Wednesday, April 15, 2015

New SarahPAC Video "Catch Me If You Can" Taunts Media

Former first-ever Republican female Vice Presidential candidate and Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin's Political Action Committee "SarahPAC" released a new video yesterday. (Well, kind of...the new video is actually on a YouTube channel by the name of "PassCodeCreative"...which is not the usual channel on which SarahPAC videos are'm not certain what is up with that.) The creators of this same YouTube channel have been responsible for most of the biggest ads ever created for SarahPAC in the past and all of those ads can also be found on the PassCodeCreative YouTube channel. The NEW video is entitled "Catch Me If You Can" and it is full of news clips from the media response to the "One Nation" bus tour of America in which Sarah Palin and her family led the media on a wild goose chase back in 2011.

I, for one, hope that the message in this new video is that Sarah Palin is going on another bus tour of America this Spring or Summer. Why? Because it was GREAT FUN to watch the media pee their pants and trip all over themselves while attempting to keep up with Sarah on her first bus tour of this great country. I watched that show before with great amusement and I'd quite enjoy seeing it again.

Except, this time, I hope Sarah goes on a new bus tour AFTER she announces that she's running for president!!! That would make this possible NEW bus tour even MORE fun! Adding to this possible grand spectacle would be the virtual online explosion that could occur as a result. Ha! (Seriously - the internet could virtually explode if Sarah jumps into the 2016 presidential race.)

Also, adding to my claim of a "virtual explosion" of the internet would be the fact that, as Americans, we could all have a FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT of whom we could ALL be proud...provided we all want a LAWFUL president in the White House, that is. That would equate real "change".

A few "quick hits" off the top of my head:
Sarah wouldn't delete her emails. (As Governor of Alaska, over 24,000 of her emails were "crowd-sourced" and NO inconsistencies were found - except...I think she asked her mother to get her a gallon of milk one time).

Sarah would clean up the "corrupt bastards" in Washington, D.C. as she did in Alaska (RE: CORRUPT BASTARDS CLUB - a group of Alaskan Republicans she put in jail...for corruption).

Imagine if a President of the United States (POTUS) would ACTUALLY WORK to make the lives of "regular Americans" better. (As Sarah WOULD.)

Imagine a POTUS who would NOT be beholden to special interest groups and big-money donors. (As Sarah would NOT.)

Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama...they ALL said those things.

What has changed in your life since they spoke those words?

Have things changed for you at the same rate that things have changed in the lives of Clinton, Bush, and Obama since they were elected president? All of them are multi-millionaires. Are you?

I could fill about 15-20 pages of this blog with a list of Sarah Palin's REAL accomplishments from when she was in an elected office. If you want to know more about Sarah Palin's accomplishments while in office, and not be a drone-like, Kool-Aid-drinkin' sheep who buys into the caricature the media has painted of her and you (being the election expert that you've deemed yourself to be) declare her "unelectable", I suggest you Google: "Sarah Palin's accomplishments" and inform yourself of all that she has accomplished while in ELECTED office. Rather than spending your time doubting Sarah Palin's capabilities in an elected office, I would think that you should first seek to inform yourself about them.

And, before you declare yourself the "online political expert" for this political season, perhaps you should remind yourself how many candidates you yourself were instrumental in getting elected to president? Then, ask yourself how many people now come to you for advice on this same subject? If your answer to both of these questions is "zero" (as I suspect it is), perhaps your opinion on this next election will not carry near as much weight as you think it ought to? Who died and made you the "Karl Rove" of our lives? Keep it to yourself. Or get a job pontificating for Jeb Bush on FOX'll fit right in. They'll love you there.

No one's true "favorite" candidate would ever get elected if the people who "thought they couldn't get elected" would never vote for them. That's how a Bill Clinton...or a George W. Bush...or a Barack Obama got elected...because too many in the primaries thought "some other" candidate COULDN'T win. Primary season is where you're supposed to vote for your FAVORITE candidate. The general election is reserved for you to vote for those whom you have to decide which is the worst of the two evils from which we traditionally get to choose. Wouldn't it be fantastic if we could END that stupid ritual?

Here's the new video from SarahPAC. (Note to media: Go stock up on "adult" diapers...NOW! If you don't, it may not be long before it's running down your opposed to up.)


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