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4 whores in a box. |
Anytime I've ever watched The View (about 15 times in it's 17-year history) I've most often found it to be a rumor-mill-cesspool of unequaled proportions on daytime television...and, that was when Barbara Walters (a "real news person" - a title she relinquished YEARS AGO) still had anything to do with the show.
Don't blame poor little Nicolle. She just wants to be loved...and, she's such a whore, she doesn't care from where she receives it. I just hope the price The View is paying Nicolle for this legal prostitution is worth the price of the tiny shred of what may *possibly* have still existed of Nicolle's soul.
Watch this 96-second clip and TRY NOT to puke while doing so:
NICOLLE IS A LIAR, by the way. A tiny bit of the proof of my statement is below.
In the clip above from The View, Nicolle said this about her "relationship" with Palin:
"But our relationship erupted and exploded and it was irreparably damaged after the Katie Couric interview when she thought I set her up for failure and I felt like the questions were fair. She asked her what she read, you know, that was sort of the end of the end. "
The Palin/Couric interview aired on September 24, 2008.
34 days AFTER the Palin/Couric interview...October 28, 2008:
Nicolle Wallace told The Daily Beast about Governor Sarah Palin:
"Obviously I think she’ll be the next vice president."
"...she’ll be one of the leaders of our party. I think it’s great for the Republican Party to put a woman front and center."
"She’s just very, very engaging and she’s very normal and down to earth and very quick and smart, and she’s the real deal."
"Look, in Sarah Palin’s case, first [the media complained] she didn’t give interviews and then the interviews she did were all wrong. There’s a standard applied to her that I don’t see applied to Joe Biden. First, she’s not available, then she starts talking to her press corps, which I think is great. I think when it’s a woman, there are all sorts of connotations to, you know, attacking, or for being a diva. That attack, first of all is not true. And second, you know, if a man did the same thing, what would he be called, independent?..."
And this, which is probably the most truthful thing a political whore could admit:
"Campaigns bring out the warriors in everybody. The very nature of debate, the reason it makes good live television is it’s two mother lions defending their cubs. But as soon as the campaign is over, everything changes."
Which are you, Nicolle?
A bought-and-paid-for campaign whore?
Or a bought-and-paid-for TV whore?
I don't need a phony conservative like you telling me "the Conservative answer" to my own questions on a mind-numbing time-waster like The View.
You've already proven to me and thousands of others that you're a whore.
Which kind you are really doesn't matter to me.
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