I've made several videos that poke fun at Obama's pathetic speaking ability in the past. Today I thought I'd try typing-out a direct translation of a video from 1995 of this most brilliant, most eloquent, most-gifted speaker to ever be our president. I think it's funnier to read all of his stutters than it is to watch or listen to them.
Here's the video. This video has been on YouTube since August of 2009 but is just now making the rounds again in the media. (Or for the 1st time? Not sure.) The DIRECT translation (stutters and all) is below the video.
Direct translation (word-by-word, stutter-by-stutter - I've updated this post to include the "media version" of this translation at the very bottom of this post):
Barry O (BO): ...changes are, are inevitable. Uh, uh, technological change is gonna happen. Uh, scientific discoveries are gonna happen. Um. I, I think uh, would be, uh, collapse of communism I think we recognize that, uh, markets are gonna happen. Uh, but, having said all that, um, uh, I insist and in this I think I, I, I'm uh, inheriting, uh, wuh, wuh, what was probably the best part of the dream of both my father, uh, my African father, my white American mother, uh, I, I think that, the, the, the best, uh, uh legacy of theirs, my inheritance, is the notion that, uh, we collectively can, uh, uh decide on our fate. That, uh, that things like technological change, uh, uh, things like mass media, uh, things like the market are all subject to, uh, our control. That we can make decisions for better or for worse and uh, and, and, and, and, uh continue ta, ta, ta, ta move forward and, and progress.
Interviewer(INT): I, I agree with you up to a point.
BO: Uh huh.
INT: ...and it's, it's, it's the "us"...
BO: Right.
INT: ...that can make those changes...
BO: Right.
INT: ...that is, that is at issue.
BO: Right.
INT: And the issue is, does that "us" include ALL of us and, if so, what mechanisms for collective decision-making will we use? Or, does that "us" include those of us who own the major, uh...
BO: Well...
INT: ...media and other corporate entities?
BO: Ya, you know, I, in the end I think it has to be, uh, it does have to be, uh, uh, uh, a broad, "us". It does have to be democracy with a small "d".
INT: OK. But, we have, we have 2 minutes. How are you going to achieve that in the face of an entire American history which speaks against it as a possibility?
BO: Well, you know what, uh, the uh, I, I would challenge, uh, uh, a reading of American history that, that, that would say that uh, uh the entire history of America is, is, uh, uh towards concentration of power...
INT: All right.
BO: ..and oppression. I, I think, uh, that American history moves in waves and cycles.
INT: I agree. I'm sorry. I, I, I over, I over-spoke.
BO: ...an, an, an, an I, and I think that, uh, um, um, uh recapturing the, uh, uh, uh, the spirit that existed not just in the civil rights movement but in the union organizing movement, in the populist movement, uh, I think there is a, a, a running thread, uh, uh, one of the better angels of our nature in this country, uh, uh, which has been the notion that, yow (you+know), we can sit around the table and, and, and, uh, and find common ground. And, and, and, uh, make democracy work in the way that it, that it should be working. Uhhh, it's not, uh, popular right now tuh, ta, ta say that, uh, and to believe in, in sort of a common good, uh, but, but I think, uh, that uh, notions of, of common good are, are the glue that hold our society together an, and make democracy possible.
INT: So, so you're willing to stake your political career on that being a common ground(?)?
BO: Uuuuh, that's, uuuuh, that's uh, uh, the, the core of my faith. (Black Liberation Theology --- Christianity based on Marxism - that's his "faith".)
INT: MmK. Well, the core of your faith and a lot of the ways that you (inaudible) are explained in "Dreams From My Father" and, uh, people who would like to get more of the details about the ideas and the history can, uh, go there. Uh, just tell us, uh, what, uh, what this book tour has been like in the last minute we've got here.
BO: Uuuuuuuuum, it has been ex.., uh, exhausting. Uh, you know I, we, uh, uh, as, as, as a lawyer I'm, I'm used to, uh, to, uh late-nights and, uh, think quick on my wits, but I, I must admit I had, uh, a more romantic notion of uh, of uh, the, uh, the publishing and, and book tour process. What I will say it has been wonderful, it has been to meet all the various people and, uh, uh, in the different cities that I've been working and, uh, that the reception has been terrific, the questions have been wonderful and, uh, and, uh I think I have learned as much as, uh, hopefully I've taught.
INT: OK. Good. A little bit like, uh, community organizing in Chicago with a different community.
BO: There ya go.
INT: OK, well thanks for talking to us...
BO: Thanks much.
INT: ...good luck with the book and, uh, everything else.
BO: 'preciate it.
INT: Sure.
__________END OF TRANSCRIPT__________
Awful. Just awful.
Just think, we "get" to listen to that inept, stuttering bag of wind until the day we all die. Lucky us, EH?
If you'd like video of his stuttering (there's another 2 vids in the links at the top of this post), here you go:
This is the first, and longest, video I've made of Obama's stutters. It is an 11-minute video of only his stuttering within a 41-minute press conference. I made 405 edits in the making of this video.
Obama IS a Great Speaker! Watch THIS!!! LOL
If you'd like to laugh at his cow of a wife stuttering through one of her speeches, here ya go. I made this video, too. (I only call her a cow because she enjoys restricting what others can eat while not doing so for her fat self. She is the definition of the word hypocrite.):
I thought I'd "translate" the above transcription so that it's easier to discern what Barry is actually saying in the video. This could be considered a transcription that the media would provide so that they wouldn't make Barry appear as the fool that he is:
Barry O: ...changes are, are inevitable. Technological change is gonna happen, scientific discoveries are gonna happen, I think (another) would be (the) collapse of communism. I think we recognize that markets are gonna happen. Having said all that, I insist and in this I think I'm inheriting what was probably the best part of the dream of both my father, my African father, my white American mother, I think that the best legacy of theirs, my inheritance, is the notion that we collectively can decide on our fate. That things like technological change, things like mass media (and) things like the market, are all subject to our control. That we can make decisions for better or for worse and continue to move forward and progress.
Interviewer (INT): I agree with you up to a point.
BO: Uh huh.
INT: ...and it's the "us"...
BO: Right.
INT: ...that can make those changes...
BO: Right.
INT: ...that is at issue.
BO: Right.
INT: And the issue is, does that "us" include ALL of us and, if so, what mechanisms for collective decision-making will we use? Or, does that "us" include those of us who own the major...
BO: Well...
INT: ...media and other corporate entities?
BO: ...you know, in the end, I think it does have to be, a broad "us". It does have to be democracy with a small "d".
INT: OK. But, we have 2 minutes. How are you going to achieve that in the face of an entire American history which speaks against it as a possibility?
BO: Well, you know what? I would challenge a reading of American history that would say that the entire history of America is (geared?) towards concentration of power...
INT: All right.
BO: ..and oppression. I think that American history moves in waves and cycles.
INT: I agree. I'm sorry. I over-spoke.
BO: ...and I think that recapturing the spirit that existed not just in the civil rights movement but in the union organizing movement, in the populist movement, I think there is a running thread. One of the better angels of our nature in this country which has been the notion that we can sit around the table and find common ground and make democracy work in the way that it should be working. It's not popular right now to say that and to believe in sort of a common good, but I think that notions of common good are the glue that hold our society together and make democracy possible.
INT: So you're willing to stake your political career on that being a common ground(?)?
BO: That's the core of my faith. (Black Liberation Theology --- Christianity based on Marxism - that's his "faith".)
INT: MmK. Well, the core of your faith and a lot of the ways that you (inaudible) are explained in "Dreams From My Father" and people who would like to get more of the details about the ideas and the history can go there. Just tell us what this book tour has been like in the last minute we've got here.
BO: It has been exhausting. You know, as a lawyer I'm used to late-nights and (having to) think quick on my wits, but I must admit I had a more romantic notion of the publishing and book tour process. What I will say (is that) it has been wonderful. It has been (wonderful) to meet all the various people and in the different cities that I've been working and that the reception has been terrific, the questions have been wonderful and I think I have learned as much as hopefully I've taught.
INT: OK. Good. A little bit like community organizing in Chicago with a different community.
BO: There ya go.
INT: OK, well thanks for talking to us...
BO: Thanks much.
INT: ...good luck with the book and everything else.
BO: 'preciate it.
INT: Sure.
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Saturday, September 22, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
LOOK AWAY! Kathy Griffin WITHOUT Make-up!!!
These are the times that try men's souls...and eyes.
Yup. She has a boyfriend. Funny, he doesn't APPEAR evil.
If you're a brave soul, and not yet completely grossed-out, you can see several more pictures at the UK Daily Mail Online. They are the ones that are responsible for this. Please do not blame me.
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Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
Yup. She has a boyfriend. Funny, he doesn't APPEAR evil.
If you're a brave soul, and not yet completely grossed-out, you can see several more pictures at the UK Daily Mail Online. They are the ones that are responsible for this. Please do not blame me.
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An Unfortunate Representation Of An American University (Miami) (VIDEO)
Students from the University of Miami were asked if they were going to support Obama in the upcoming election.
You'll hear such gems as these in the video below:
Gag me with a spoon.
There's more:
I'd tell these kids to stay in school, but I don't think that's going to help. More schooling doesn't fix stupid. Age might, but I doubt it. I guess we're all screwed.
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Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
You'll hear such gems as these in the video below:
"Um, I like him. I mean I'm gonna vote for him. I believe in what he stands for and everything he's doing for the country so, he's got my vote."
"Um, I think we are better than we have been in the last four years. Um...still need to work on some of the policies but I think we're going in the right direction so, we'll see."
"I think, I think what's really great about him is he's like really genuine. Um, I feel like, you know the difference between the candidates is, you know, the personability between them, so...who's gonna be more personable if I walk up to them, you know? So that's what I, you know, feel from him more so than the other candidate."
"That I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. I'm a Mexican. But, as a 3rd party observer, I have a lot of respect for the man. I think he's accomplished a lot and I really think he just needs to be allowed to do his job. Bringing in another guy who whose only background is in corporate affairs to try to do a job that, at the very least, is gonna take, you know, 10 years or so, is is is is is ludicrous and I think that he really needs to be given the respect he deserves, that he commands, and be let to do his job. America stands way better today than it was when he got there."
Gag me with a spoon.
There's more:
I'd tell these kids to stay in school, but I don't think that's going to help. More schooling doesn't fix stupid. Age might, but I doubt it. I guess we're all screwed.
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Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
Do You Read The "Patriot Action Network"? Why?
I'm going to share an article posted on the Patriot Action Network (PAN) that a Facebook friend posted on my wall. I'm not sharing it because I agree with it. I'm sharing it because it is such a staggering failure in reporting...one that people are paying attention to, supporting, sharing and commenting on. (I mostly agree with the sentiment of the post, but not in how it is presented.) Below is the reply I'm sending to this friend via a private message on Facebook that posted the article on my wall. The post has been deleted from my wall.
First, here's the entire "article":
My reply to my Facebook friend who posted this article on my wall:
Wow. What a clusterf_ck this "article" is. I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like it.
Just about everything in it is questionable, not accurate, out-dated, wrongly-dated, conspiratorial, or in some other way just generally "bad". Holy crap. People actually read this junk and share it and comment on it? (There are 4 pages of comments on this "article" and supposedly it has been viewed 3,110 times???)
What the hell am I doing wrong? Maybe I should begin making inaccurate/confusing/shitty/stupid/moronic blog posts so that people will read and share them more?
The title:
"Napolitano releases deceptive terrorism report, gives Muslim Brotherhood US security clearance" It doesn't even address this in the "article" (I keep putting "article" in quotes because it's an insult to articles everywhere not to do so).
BREAKDOWN: "Napolitano releases deceptive terrorism report..." -- the "article" refers to a report that it SAYS was released on February 2nd (no documentation or link provided in the "article" to corroborate this). In the "article", the link that is provided is to a .pdf file. The first date on that .pdf file is July 5, 2012. When scrolling thru the document, the next date I found was January 31, 2012 (that it was released on February 2nd makes more sense but, this doesn't corroborate a thing. Whatever. I digress).
The 1st sentence:
"Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano’s latest contribution this week to the protection of Americans appears to ignore the most deadly and destructive groups on the planet — Islamic terrorists — say security and law enforcement experts."
BREAKDOWN: "...Napolitano's latest contribution this week..." -- what the hell is he talking about when he says "this week"? The report he is referring to was released in FEBRUARY? (According to him, that is. The two dates in the .pdf are July and January.) --"...say security and law enforcement experts." --WHO??? Who the hell is he referring to? I could write, "Security and law enforcement experts say the Patriot Action Network is a waste of time to read." Wouldn't those at the PAN want to know WHO it is that is saying this? Wtf? GOT A LINK???
The 4th sentence (and, 4th paragraph - there are 8 sentences and 7 paragraphs to this "article"):
"All Americans who don't have their heads in the sand must join together in supporting our War against Islam which Islam started against America on September 11, 2001."
BREAKDOWN: Since it would be of great benefit to have MORE people join in and understand the threat that Islam presents, wouldn't it make much more sense to NOT INSULT ALL THE PEOPLE who are not yet awake in order to get more of them to join in?
5th sentence (5th paragraph):
"We cannot allow the illegal president..."
BREAKDOWN: So, unless you're a "birther" you're not going to take anything else this guy says seriously. I'm not a birther. I don't take him seriously, not only because of the birther comment, but for the utter mess that this "article" is.
Believe it or not there is so much more that I could go into about this "article", but I'll leave that for some other time.
_____________End of my reply.____________
This entire fiasco that the above "article" represents dovetails a little bit off of one of my posts from earlier this week entitled "Conservatives FAIL Online - Please Read & Share!" because, according to the comments underneath the "article" and the fact that it was posted on my Facebook wall, it kind of proves that the people sharing, commenting, and "reading" posts like that really are NOT reading them. They appear to me to be only reading the headline and running with it. If you're only reading headlines and not comprehending and discerning the information in the article you're not as informed as you probably think you are.
There certainly are parts of many articles that can be skipped when you're reading them. When supporting information is discussed, information you're already aware of for example, you can skip ahead in the article. However, when you only read a headline or take at face value whatever the author is sharing, aren't you only "a headline more informed" than you were prior to reading the headline? Provided that the headline is accurate, that is. When an "article" consists of only 7, mostly one-sentence paragraphs, why wouldn't you read the whole thing? I don't get it.
It is my opinion that since this "article" on the PAN was posted on September 18, 2012 and appears to be "reporting" about something that happened "this week" which actually happened MONTHS AGO, you've only been misled. This results in the reader being MORE IGNORANT than they were prior to stumbling across this mess of an "article".
I'm not an avid reader of the PAN because I've seen similar "reporting" debacles in the past on that website. I don't know what I'm missing, perhaps there's some secret prize that people get for being a part of it. Perhaps some think that because it's got "Patriot" in the title it must be all good. The "article" above is nothing but trash.
Can anyone that may be a regular reader of the PAN tell me what I'm missing? (Without calling me a bunch of names.)
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Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
First, here's the entire "article":
Napolitano releases deceptive terrorism report, gives Muslim Brotherhood US security clearance
(The first thing in this article is this video which was uploaded to YouTube on October 26, 2011.)
Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano’s latest contribution this week to the protection of Americans appears to ignore the most deadly and destructive groups on the planet — Islamic terrorists — say security and law enforcement experts.
A Department of Homeland Security report released on February 2 compares terrorism to “ordinary crime” in metropolitan U.S. cities and omits the radical Islamic factor, instead finding “significant variability in the ideologies motivating terrorist attacks across decades.”
This appears to be part of the Obama Administration’s Muslim outreach effort, which includes hiring a special Homeland Security adviser Mohamed Elibiary who supports a radical Islamist theologian and renowned jihadist ideologue.
All Americans who don't have their heads in the sand must join together in supporting our War against Islam which Islam started against America on September 11, 2001.
We cannot allow the illegal president who is nothing more than Islam's Muslim General to destroy our United States Constitution and change America into an Islamic cockroach nest. Obama is an enemy to both America and Israel.
There is only one solution to Islam and that is to defeat Islam throughout the world, so Islam's quest to conquer the world will fail.
Failure to confront Islam will lead to Islam's conquest of not only America, but the entire world.
My reply to my Facebook friend who posted this article on my wall:
Wow. What a clusterf_ck this "article" is. I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like it.
Just about everything in it is questionable, not accurate, out-dated, wrongly-dated, conspiratorial, or in some other way just generally "bad". Holy crap. People actually read this junk and share it and comment on it? (There are 4 pages of comments on this "article" and supposedly it has been viewed 3,110 times???)
What the hell am I doing wrong? Maybe I should begin making inaccurate/confusing/shitty/stupid/moronic blog posts so that people will read and share them more?
The title:
"Napolitano releases deceptive terrorism report, gives Muslim Brotherhood US security clearance" It doesn't even address this in the "article" (I keep putting "article" in quotes because it's an insult to articles everywhere not to do so).
BREAKDOWN: "Napolitano releases deceptive terrorism report..." -- the "article" refers to a report that it SAYS was released on February 2nd (no documentation or link provided in the "article" to corroborate this). In the "article", the link that is provided is to a .pdf file. The first date on that .pdf file is July 5, 2012. When scrolling thru the document, the next date I found was January 31, 2012 (that it was released on February 2nd makes more sense but, this doesn't corroborate a thing. Whatever. I digress).
The 1st sentence:
"Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano’s latest contribution this week to the protection of Americans appears to ignore the most deadly and destructive groups on the planet — Islamic terrorists — say security and law enforcement experts."
BREAKDOWN: "...Napolitano's latest contribution this week..." -- what the hell is he talking about when he says "this week"? The report he is referring to was released in FEBRUARY? (According to him, that is. The two dates in the .pdf are July and January.) --"...say security and law enforcement experts." --WHO??? Who the hell is he referring to? I could write, "Security and law enforcement experts say the Patriot Action Network is a waste of time to read." Wouldn't those at the PAN want to know WHO it is that is saying this? Wtf? GOT A LINK???
The 4th sentence (and, 4th paragraph - there are 8 sentences and 7 paragraphs to this "article"):
"All Americans who don't have their heads in the sand must join together in supporting our War against Islam which Islam started against America on September 11, 2001."
BREAKDOWN: Since it would be of great benefit to have MORE people join in and understand the threat that Islam presents, wouldn't it make much more sense to NOT INSULT ALL THE PEOPLE who are not yet awake in order to get more of them to join in?
5th sentence (5th paragraph):
"We cannot allow the illegal president..."
BREAKDOWN: So, unless you're a "birther" you're not going to take anything else this guy says seriously. I'm not a birther. I don't take him seriously, not only because of the birther comment, but for the utter mess that this "article" is.
Believe it or not there is so much more that I could go into about this "article", but I'll leave that for some other time.
_____________End of my reply.____________
This entire fiasco that the above "article" represents dovetails a little bit off of one of my posts from earlier this week entitled "Conservatives FAIL Online - Please Read & Share!" because, according to the comments underneath the "article" and the fact that it was posted on my Facebook wall, it kind of proves that the people sharing, commenting, and "reading" posts like that really are NOT reading them. They appear to me to be only reading the headline and running with it. If you're only reading headlines and not comprehending and discerning the information in the article you're not as informed as you probably think you are.
There certainly are parts of many articles that can be skipped when you're reading them. When supporting information is discussed, information you're already aware of for example, you can skip ahead in the article. However, when you only read a headline or take at face value whatever the author is sharing, aren't you only "a headline more informed" than you were prior to reading the headline? Provided that the headline is accurate, that is. When an "article" consists of only 7, mostly one-sentence paragraphs, why wouldn't you read the whole thing? I don't get it.
It is my opinion that since this "article" on the PAN was posted on September 18, 2012 and appears to be "reporting" about something that happened "this week" which actually happened MONTHS AGO, you've only been misled. This results in the reader being MORE IGNORANT than they were prior to stumbling across this mess of an "article".
I'm not an avid reader of the PAN because I've seen similar "reporting" debacles in the past on that website. I don't know what I'm missing, perhaps there's some secret prize that people get for being a part of it. Perhaps some think that because it's got "Patriot" in the title it must be all good. The "article" above is nothing but trash.
Can anyone that may be a regular reader of the PAN tell me what I'm missing? (Without calling me a bunch of names.)
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks!
Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Clint Eastwood On The Ellen DeGeneres Show (VIDEO)
Clint Eastwood appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres Show on Monday. They discussed his appearance at the RNC, gay marriage, and his daughter's boyfriend.
I can't locate the entire interview. This is only a 4 1/2 minute clip of his appearance.
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks! Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
I can't locate the entire interview. This is only a 4 1/2 minute clip of his appearance.
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks! Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
"The Hope & The Change" Documentary Coming to a TV Near You!
From Breitbart.com:
Read the rest HERE.
Here's a list of broadcast dates I found posted on HDNet Movies. HDNet is channel 130 on Dish Network. The list below is only for the HDNet Movie channel. The movie will air on several other stations as noted above. Set your DVR!
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks! Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
"The Hope and the Change,” the movie about Democrats and independents who voted for President Barack Obama in 2008 and will not do so in 2012, will air on a dozen television stations this fall leading up to the presidential election, Citizens United announced on Monday.
Citizens United produced the film and has struck a deal to begin airing the movie on six broadcast stations and six cable stations beginning Tuesday on HDNet and through November’s presidential election. It will reach 130 million households and air on broadcast stations in Indiana, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Hawaii, and Colorado. The movie will air on cable channels such as FamilyNet, Rural TV, and HDNet movies.
Read the rest HERE.
Here's a list of broadcast dates I found posted on HDNet Movies. HDNet is channel 130 on Dish Network. The list below is only for the HDNet Movie channel. The movie will air on several other stations as noted above. Set your DVR!
Air Dates:
Tue, Sep 18th - 7:00 PM
Wed, Sep 19th - 5:00 AM
Wed, Sep 19th - 8:45 PM
Sun, Sep 23rd - 6:35 PM
Tue, Sep 25th - 11:35 PM
Wed, Sep 26th - 5:00 AM
Wed, Sep 26th - 4:45 PM
Thu, Sep 27th - 5:00 AM
Sun, Sep 30th - 1:00 AM
Sat, Oct 6th - 4:05 AM
Sat, Oct 6th - 5:05 AM
Wed, Oct 10th - 5:00 PM
Wed, Oct 10th - 8:00 PM
Fri, Oct 12th - 4:45 AM
Thu, Oct 18th - 8:00 PM
Sat, Oct 20th - 5:00 AM
Tue, Oct 23rd - 10:15 PM
Wed, Oct 24th - 5:00 AM
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks! Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
New Lying Obama Campaign YouTube Ad - COMMENT on YouTube!
I recently began a new YouTube channel for the sole purpose of uploading all of the Obama campaign ads. My reason for doing this is so that YOU can have the opportunity to post whatever comment you'd like under the Obama campaign videos. On the official YouTube channel of the Obama campaign, "BarackObamadotcom", they moderate all the comments. There are no negative comments about Obama under those ads on YouTube. The campaign won't allow them.
On my new channel, "barackobamadotcomII", you can comment freely on all of the Obama ads. I upload the new videos shortly after the Obama campaign adds the new videos to their channel.
Last night, I reported that the Obama campaign had lied about Mitt Romney again in their latest campaign email by selectively editing comments he'd made at a private fundraiser. Just a little while ago, the Obama campaign uploaded the video below which is related to the lying campaign email they sent out last night.
The video below is posted on my new channel where you can post any comment you'd like about the content of their ad and/or Obama. Click on the title of the video in the video player to be taken to YouTube so you can thumb down the video and leave a comment. (Subscribe, too! Click on the box to be notified of new uploads via email, also. That way, I won't have to remind you with every video that I upload to this channel, they'll just show up in your email inbox.)
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks! Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
On my new channel, "barackobamadotcomII", you can comment freely on all of the Obama ads. I upload the new videos shortly after the Obama campaign adds the new videos to their channel.
Last night, I reported that the Obama campaign had lied about Mitt Romney again in their latest campaign email by selectively editing comments he'd made at a private fundraiser. Just a little while ago, the Obama campaign uploaded the video below which is related to the lying campaign email they sent out last night.
The video below is posted on my new channel where you can post any comment you'd like about the content of their ad and/or Obama. Click on the title of the video in the video player to be taken to YouTube so you can thumb down the video and leave a comment. (Subscribe, too! Click on the box to be notified of new uploads via email, also. That way, I won't have to remind you with every video that I upload to this channel, they'll just show up in your email inbox.)
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks! Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
Monday, September 17, 2012
NEWS FLASH - Obama Camp Lies About Romney In Campaign Email (again)
I know you'll be shocked to hear that the Obama campaign is lying about Mitt Romney (again). What don't they lie about? Watch the video below and follow along with Romney's words that the Obama campaign quoted in their latest campaign email.
Here's the relevant part of the email (emphasis mine - compare the words in bold to what Romney ACTUALLY says in the video below):
They did some pretty choice editing. Everything Romney says is 100% accurate - to those that can accept the truth.
At least the rate at which the Obama camp spreads lies is consistent/constant.
I'll bet that we get to hear from the Obama lapdogs in the mainstream media about this latest distortion for at least the rest of this week.
I wonder if the Obama camp ever gets the feeling that the only ones that are subscribed to receive their stupid emails are Conservative bloggers? Ha!
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks! Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
Here's the relevant part of the email (emphasis mine - compare the words in bold to what Romney ACTUALLY says in the video below):
Subject: You won't believe this
Today we learned that Mitt Romney said this about Obama supporters to fellow millionaires at a closed-door fundraiser:
"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the President no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what...These are people who pay no income tax ...
"My job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."
The man who spoke these words -- who demonstrates such disgust and disdain for half of our fellow Americans -- is the other side's choice for president of the United States. He wants to lead our country.
Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America
They did some pretty choice editing. Everything Romney says is 100% accurate - to those that can accept the truth.
At least the rate at which the Obama camp spreads lies is consistent/constant.
I'll bet that we get to hear from the Obama lapdogs in the mainstream media about this latest distortion for at least the rest of this week.
I wonder if the Obama camp ever gets the feeling that the only ones that are subscribed to receive their stupid emails are Conservative bloggers? Ha!
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks! Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
Conservatives FAIL Online - Please Read & Share!
***I know this post is long. It will take you much less time to read it than the 6 hours I spent writing it. Please read it all. Thank you. I appreciate it.***
First, I'm a Conservative. Second, I interact daily with other Conservatives online and have done so for several years. Most of my interaction with other Conservatives is on Facebook, then YouTube, then Twitter, then in various comment sections all over the internet where most of the interaction is with liberals. I'm a 21-year+ listener of Rush Limbaugh. I'm an 11-year+ listener of Glenn Beck. I've been "politically active" online since 1998. I post things from time-to-time on Facebook with the sole intent of gauging what people's reactions will be. One might say that I "study" the behavior and tendencies of the Conservatives with which I interact. To me, it is kind of a game. A game I want Conservatives to win. So far, I see little winning anywhere online by Conservatives and I'm finally going to address it here.
If you're one of the people who wonder how it is that Obama is still doing so well in the polls, it's because you are not sharing the information that you have with those who only get their information from the mainstream media which exists solely to kiss his ass and get him re-elected. The media got Obama elected the first time. Are you willing to let them do it again? Unless more of you Conservatives are willing to venture outside of your online safety and comfort zones, that could very well happen.
Several months ago while listening online to "Grizzly Fest", a pro-Sarah Palin event sponsored by Conservatives 4 Palin (C4P), I was able to get a question through to a discussion panel that was a part of the event. I asked what could be done to improve online participation by Conservatives. I was shocked at the answer I received. I don't remember the name of the person who answered my question, but it was one of the women on this list that answered it (it was not Jedidiah Bila or Tammy Bruce). Whoever it was that replied to my question thought that Conservatives "had a handle on the internet" and that "no more work was needed in that area". Others on that panel agreed with her. She encouraged people to get out into their local communities and participate more with others face-to-face to be able to have more of an effect in their local political races. While the latter part of the answer my question received makes a great amount of sense and is absolutely necessary, in my several years worth of observation of the activities of Conservatives on the internet, the first part of her answer couldn't have been more WRONG. Conservatives need to take great strides before they are even able to begin to reach for the "handle on the internet". Conservatives sparingly share, like, re-post, or comment on the internet in comparison to the level of participation from liberals.
I've been active on YouTube since shortly after it was founded in 2005. I've been active on Facebook for about 4 years. I use Twitter sparingly (as you'll see here, the 140-character limit on Twitter just isn't my thing). I comment fairly regularly in various places all over the internet. Oh, and I've had this blog for more than a year.
Now, maybe it's because the videos and/or articles that I create SUCK which explains why they just aren't shared more by the hundreds of Conservatives I interact with daily via YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter? That certainly could be the case. However, I've had people tell me that SOME of what I put out there on YouTube or on this blog is "great" or "well done"; "another great job", they'll say. But, do they share? Some of you "get it" and you do share, and I appreciate those of you who do. However, I KNOW that the vast majority of you do NOT. This is why I have that same, repetitive tag line at the end of every one of my blog posts that reads:
Do I expect you to share everything I post? Certainly not! Do I hope that you'd share some of what I post on my blog or on YouTube? Absolutely, especially if you somewhat agree with what I post. Why else would I do it? Just so you and I can be the only ones who read or watch it? No offense, but what's the point in that? I write a post and only you read it? I make a video and only you watch it? That's it. The end. Unless you share it, it ends with your reading/viewing of it. If it's something that you find no value in, or don't agree with, I understand why you wouldn't share it. But, if it's something you think others may not know and may be interested in knowing, please share it! Post the links in relevant comment sections all over the internet, not just on Facebook. Branch out. Get connected. Network.
There must be some value in some of what I put out there. I've had a video posted on Drudge (that was on my original, old, terminated-by-Google YouTube account). I've had a video posted by Breitbart (that was also on my original YouTube account). And, one of my blog posts was quoted on The Blaze. There have been various other blog posts that I've written or videos that I've made that have made the rounds on smaller, lesser-known blogs and news sites as well.
But, this has far less to do with what I post on my blog or on YouTube than it does with everything I see posted all over the internet. I can only use my videos and my blog posts as a gauge of how people react to what I create. I use the reactions and interactions on other people's blog posts, videos, comment sections, and Facebook posts to gauge how people react to everything else that is out there. What I see on a daily basis is that Conservatives, for the most part, just don't get it. You're not sharing. You're not "liking" on YouTube, Facebook, or in comment sections everywhere. You're not commenting everywhere. You're not re-posting on Facebook and Twitter and sharing YouTube links. All of this is reflected in the statistics for videos, in the statistics on my blog, in the number of "Likes" a video or a Facebook post or page receives on Facebook, and in the "likes" comments receive in various comment sections everywhere. When comparing the NUMBERS of "likes" on what could be considered "mainstream" fanpages on Facebook, for example, nearly everything put out by liberals far outnumbers what is put out by Conservatives. If this is a "center-right" country, why is there much more online participation from those on the left? Of course there are exceptions - I'm not talking about the exceptions. I'm talking about what is the "norm". Conservatives normally lose on a daily basis online. I see it everyday. I pay attention to view counts of videos and to how many "shares" a post receives on Facebook and to various other statistics that show where online traffic is generated.
It's not only the mainstream media that the left owns. They also RULE the internet. They RULE YouTube. They RULE Facebook. Twitter may be the only place that they don't completely RULE...but, I have doubts about that as well. The blogoshpere? Owned by the left.
Liberals don't have to be coached to share things online. They just do it.
They don't ask if they can re-post something. They just do it.
They don't have to be asked to "Like" a Facebook page. They just do it. And, they obviously share them, too...without being asked or coached.
They don't have to be encouraged or reminded to subscribe properly (click to be notified of new uploads via email), like, and comment on YouTube. They just do it.
Some of this is most likely attributable to the age differences between many Conservatives and college-aged liberals who are online all of their waking hours. Since that is most likely the case, doesn't it make more sense for Conservatives to begin spending their online time in a more constructive and efficient manner? You can either be a part of the problem or be a part of the solution. It's up to you.
Those of you that ask if you can re-post or share things you see posted online, I'm going to tell you something: STOP ASKING!!! JUST DO IT!!! It's not a "courtesy" to ask someone if you can share what they've spent hours creating. It's actually kind of offensive because, after all, the point of their creating it in the first place is so that the information will be available to others! No one spends hours creating something (for free), be it a blog post, a YouTube video, or even just a rant on Facebook, with the hopes that NO ONE else will see it. As a video maker, I don't spend hours making videos...for FREE...for myself to watch over and over. I make them so that others will watch them and hopefully find some value in them and SHARE them with others!! Same goes for my blog posts. I don't spend hours typing and re-reading, and proofreading, and checking grammar and punctuation...for FREE...so that I can read what I wrote. (Yes, believe it or not, I do check grammar and punctuation - it may not always be correct but, at least I'm TRYING. I'm putting my sub-standard grammar and punctuation skills out there for judgement and condemnation. What are YOU doing?)
Within the conservative community it's as if some of you think that you're stealing something if you re-post a link. Get over it. You're not! You're HELPING by re-posting links. If something that you want to share has a LINK, re-post the damn thing for others to see...and, hopefully they'll re-post it for others to see...and, hopefully they'll re-post it for others to see. See how this whole "social networking" thing works?
Those of you who say you don't know how to share links, stop using that as an excuse. If you can turn your computer ON, you can share a link. Google how to do it if you don't know how. (If you don't know and can't figure out what "Google it" means, you may want to consider getting off the internet altogether.)
Another thing, those of you that only read the headlines of articles, blog posts, or videos I post, I can almost always tell that you didn't bother to read or watch what I posted by the comments you make. Why would you embarrass yourself by commenting on something that you've not even taken 60-seconds to read? Is it really that difficult to click on a link and read a story that someone took time out of their day to write...for free? Is it too difficult to watch a 3-minute YouTube video that most likely took the video maker several hours to make...for NO pay?
You, my conservative brothers and sisters say you're sick of the liberal media, yet you barely bother to support conservative bloggers who are at least willing to put themselves out there. What are YOU doing, besides making your quick Facebook comments based on the title of an article or video that you didn't even take the time to read or watch?
I may be committing blogger suicide by writing this post, but at this point I really don't give a damn anymore. The level of participation by Conservatives is pathetic. There is no point in continuing to bust my ass for nothing if you all don't participate more anyway. The number of people who have to agree with 100% of what someone says in order to continue supporting them is also growing and I, for one, am completely fed-up with it. I only agree with about 70-80% of what MOST people I follow say. This having to agree with EVERYTHING someone says is a new and very disturbing trend among Conservatives.
Que sera, sera.
(Most of you won't even bother to click on that link...which also makes me wonder why I even bother putting any supporting info in any of my blog posts.)
I'm going to tell you what finally prompted me to write this blog post (I've been mulling writing this very post for months now): Yesterday, a video maker named Hugh Atkin uploaded a video to YouTube entitled "U Didn't Build That by MC 'Bama". He obviously spent a TON of time making that video, probably somewhere around 100 hours and, most likely, for FREE. That 3-minute and 45-second video has been on YouTube for a little over 24 hours and only has 5,676 views as of this moment. (The view count for popular YouTube videos is only updated every few hours. There is no "YouTube conspiracy" for keeping the view count down on conservative videos, so don't even go there.) The editing is brilliant. The concept is brilliant. It makes Obama look like a total ass, which I would think most of the Conservatives I know would greatly enjoy seeing. But, the view count is paltry. That video should have 10 times more views than it does by now. And, if Conservatives truly ruled the internet, it would. Conservatives DON'T rule the internet. We don't even come CLOSE!
One video, ANY video, put out by the Obama campaign gets 5,000 views within hours of it being uploaded to YouTube. (They have over 225,000 subscribers, too.) How many subscribers does the Mitt Romney campaign channel have on YouTube? 18,843. Get with the program, Conservatives. Social networking requires participation on more levels than just one. I know that you know that having more information is a good thing. Sharing that information with others is just as important as you reading or watching it for yourself.
A little financial support for those who do all the work to provide that information might be something that some of you could consider, as well. If you have less money than I do, you're homeless. If you're homeless and on the internet, God Bless America!
Another reason I'm writing this post is this: On September 3rd I started a YouTube channel that mirrors the YouTube channel of the Obama campaign. I'm uploading all the videos to this new channel that the Obama campaign uploads to theirs...except for the LONG ones, they take too long to upload. It takes about 15-minutes just to upload their short, 3-minute videos and sometimes they upload 5 or 6 of those in one day! I have to download, convert, and THEN upload each of them. Have to? No, I don't "have to", I do it to offer people a chance to comment freely on all of the videos that the Obama campaign puts out there. You can't post comments on the Obama campaign channel if you disagree with their videos. They moderate ALL of their comments and only the ones that suck-up to or support the president get approved and appear in the comment section under all of their videos.
I have posted about this new YouTube channel that I began (BarackObamadotcomII) at least 50 times on Facebook and on YouTube. Now, either the Conservatives that are seeing my posts don't understand the purpose of the new YouTube channel OR they just don't care about having the President of the United States squash their freedom of speech. People, however, sure seem to be "up in arms" about that very subject right now. (Will anyone even notice that ALL of those are DIFFERENT links? Doubtful.)
Here I am, offering people an opportunity to fight back against those that want to quash free speech and so far only ELEVEN people have subscribed to this new YouTube channel over the past TWO WEEKS!!! ELEVEN. That's embarrassing! More have commented on a few of the videos but if you don't SUBSCRIBE (and click the box to be notified of new uploads via email) you are wasting your time...and so am I...because with every single video I post on YouTube I'll have to make another post on Facebook or Twitter to REMIND YOU to come comment on the new videos! If you'd just SUBSCRIBE and click on the box to be notified of new uploads via email, I wouldn't have to remind you. It is enough to make me want to pull my hair out that people can't seem to understand this concept. The liberals are beginning to subscribe and comment, however. I suppose this will just be another case of the liberals winning the online battle.
Maybe people don't know how to use YouTube? Maybe too many Conservatives are "scared" of YouTube (that whole "Google" thing)? Get over it. YouTube is a viable social networking site and it's not going away. You hear YouTube mentioned on the news at a rate of 100-1 over any other online video site.
Conservatives, either get with the program or stop pretending that your online activity makes any difference whatsoever. Participate. Comment. Like. Share. Re-post. Email. And, do it without asking if you may. Post things in places where a different audience will see it. Venture out of your comfy Facebook groups from time-to-time and plant your flag in another place online, as well. Those of you who claim to have guts, prove it. Put yourselves out there. Put your opinion out there. Don't act like a whiny liberal while you're doing it. Spell properly and represent Conservatism appropriately.
After being a part of a Facebook group that attempted to "organize" Conservatives into action for 8 months, I've learned that trying to herd Conservatives is like trying to herd cats...it ain't happening. I realize that most of what I've written here will not be read, will not be shared, may not be comprehended or understood, and parts of it may not be received warmly. Does that stop me? Nope. Good luck with whatever is that you're doing. How close will this election be?
Oh, and for the love of all that is good, please WATCH, SHARE, LIKE &/or COMMENT on Hugh Atkin's video below.....and, please share this blog post...whether you agree with ALL of it or not! Thank you!
Want to connect?
Here's my YouTube Channel.
Here's my Facebook profile.
Here's my Twitter profile.
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks! Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
First, I'm a Conservative. Second, I interact daily with other Conservatives online and have done so for several years. Most of my interaction with other Conservatives is on Facebook, then YouTube, then Twitter, then in various comment sections all over the internet where most of the interaction is with liberals. I'm a 21-year+ listener of Rush Limbaugh. I'm an 11-year+ listener of Glenn Beck. I've been "politically active" online since 1998. I post things from time-to-time on Facebook with the sole intent of gauging what people's reactions will be. One might say that I "study" the behavior and tendencies of the Conservatives with which I interact. To me, it is kind of a game. A game I want Conservatives to win. So far, I see little winning anywhere online by Conservatives and I'm finally going to address it here.
If you're one of the people who wonder how it is that Obama is still doing so well in the polls, it's because you are not sharing the information that you have with those who only get their information from the mainstream media which exists solely to kiss his ass and get him re-elected. The media got Obama elected the first time. Are you willing to let them do it again? Unless more of you Conservatives are willing to venture outside of your online safety and comfort zones, that could very well happen.
Several months ago while listening online to "Grizzly Fest", a pro-Sarah Palin event sponsored by Conservatives 4 Palin (C4P), I was able to get a question through to a discussion panel that was a part of the event. I asked what could be done to improve online participation by Conservatives. I was shocked at the answer I received. I don't remember the name of the person who answered my question, but it was one of the women on this list that answered it (it was not Jedidiah Bila or Tammy Bruce). Whoever it was that replied to my question thought that Conservatives "had a handle on the internet" and that "no more work was needed in that area". Others on that panel agreed with her. She encouraged people to get out into their local communities and participate more with others face-to-face to be able to have more of an effect in their local political races. While the latter part of the answer my question received makes a great amount of sense and is absolutely necessary, in my several years worth of observation of the activities of Conservatives on the internet, the first part of her answer couldn't have been more WRONG. Conservatives need to take great strides before they are even able to begin to reach for the "handle on the internet". Conservatives sparingly share, like, re-post, or comment on the internet in comparison to the level of participation from liberals.
I've been active on YouTube since shortly after it was founded in 2005. I've been active on Facebook for about 4 years. I use Twitter sparingly (as you'll see here, the 140-character limit on Twitter just isn't my thing). I comment fairly regularly in various places all over the internet. Oh, and I've had this blog for more than a year.
Now, maybe it's because the videos and/or articles that I create SUCK which explains why they just aren't shared more by the hundreds of Conservatives I interact with daily via YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter? That certainly could be the case. However, I've had people tell me that SOME of what I put out there on YouTube or on this blog is "great" or "well done"; "another great job", they'll say. But, do they share? Some of you "get it" and you do share, and I appreciate those of you who do. However, I KNOW that the vast majority of you do NOT. This is why I have that same, repetitive tag line at the end of every one of my blog posts that reads:
Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
Do I expect you to share everything I post? Certainly not! Do I hope that you'd share some of what I post on my blog or on YouTube? Absolutely, especially if you somewhat agree with what I post. Why else would I do it? Just so you and I can be the only ones who read or watch it? No offense, but what's the point in that? I write a post and only you read it? I make a video and only you watch it? That's it. The end. Unless you share it, it ends with your reading/viewing of it. If it's something that you find no value in, or don't agree with, I understand why you wouldn't share it. But, if it's something you think others may not know and may be interested in knowing, please share it! Post the links in relevant comment sections all over the internet, not just on Facebook. Branch out. Get connected. Network.
There must be some value in some of what I put out there. I've had a video posted on Drudge (that was on my original, old, terminated-by-Google YouTube account). I've had a video posted by Breitbart (that was also on my original YouTube account). And, one of my blog posts was quoted on The Blaze. There have been various other blog posts that I've written or videos that I've made that have made the rounds on smaller, lesser-known blogs and news sites as well.
But, this has far less to do with what I post on my blog or on YouTube than it does with everything I see posted all over the internet. I can only use my videos and my blog posts as a gauge of how people react to what I create. I use the reactions and interactions on other people's blog posts, videos, comment sections, and Facebook posts to gauge how people react to everything else that is out there. What I see on a daily basis is that Conservatives, for the most part, just don't get it. You're not sharing. You're not "liking" on YouTube, Facebook, or in comment sections everywhere. You're not commenting everywhere. You're not re-posting on Facebook and Twitter and sharing YouTube links. All of this is reflected in the statistics for videos, in the statistics on my blog, in the number of "Likes" a video or a Facebook post or page receives on Facebook, and in the "likes" comments receive in various comment sections everywhere. When comparing the NUMBERS of "likes" on what could be considered "mainstream" fanpages on Facebook, for example, nearly everything put out by liberals far outnumbers what is put out by Conservatives. If this is a "center-right" country, why is there much more online participation from those on the left? Of course there are exceptions - I'm not talking about the exceptions. I'm talking about what is the "norm". Conservatives normally lose on a daily basis online. I see it everyday. I pay attention to view counts of videos and to how many "shares" a post receives on Facebook and to various other statistics that show where online traffic is generated.
It's not only the mainstream media that the left owns. They also RULE the internet. They RULE YouTube. They RULE Facebook. Twitter may be the only place that they don't completely RULE...but, I have doubts about that as well. The blogoshpere? Owned by the left.
Liberals don't have to be coached to share things online. They just do it.
They don't ask if they can re-post something. They just do it.
They don't have to be asked to "Like" a Facebook page. They just do it. And, they obviously share them, too...without being asked or coached.
They don't have to be encouraged or reminded to subscribe properly (click to be notified of new uploads via email), like, and comment on YouTube. They just do it.
Some of this is most likely attributable to the age differences between many Conservatives and college-aged liberals who are online all of their waking hours. Since that is most likely the case, doesn't it make more sense for Conservatives to begin spending their online time in a more constructive and efficient manner? You can either be a part of the problem or be a part of the solution. It's up to you.
Those of you that ask if you can re-post or share things you see posted online, I'm going to tell you something: STOP ASKING!!! JUST DO IT!!! It's not a "courtesy" to ask someone if you can share what they've spent hours creating. It's actually kind of offensive because, after all, the point of their creating it in the first place is so that the information will be available to others! No one spends hours creating something (for free), be it a blog post, a YouTube video, or even just a rant on Facebook, with the hopes that NO ONE else will see it. As a video maker, I don't spend hours making videos...for FREE...for myself to watch over and over. I make them so that others will watch them and hopefully find some value in them and SHARE them with others!! Same goes for my blog posts. I don't spend hours typing and re-reading, and proofreading, and checking grammar and punctuation...for FREE...so that I can read what I wrote. (Yes, believe it or not, I do check grammar and punctuation - it may not always be correct but, at least I'm TRYING. I'm putting my sub-standard grammar and punctuation skills out there for judgement and condemnation. What are YOU doing?)
Within the conservative community it's as if some of you think that you're stealing something if you re-post a link. Get over it. You're not! You're HELPING by re-posting links. If something that you want to share has a LINK, re-post the damn thing for others to see...and, hopefully they'll re-post it for others to see...and, hopefully they'll re-post it for others to see. See how this whole "social networking" thing works?
Those of you who say you don't know how to share links, stop using that as an excuse. If you can turn your computer ON, you can share a link. Google how to do it if you don't know how. (If you don't know and can't figure out what "Google it" means, you may want to consider getting off the internet altogether.)
Another thing, those of you that only read the headlines of articles, blog posts, or videos I post, I can almost always tell that you didn't bother to read or watch what I posted by the comments you make. Why would you embarrass yourself by commenting on something that you've not even taken 60-seconds to read? Is it really that difficult to click on a link and read a story that someone took time out of their day to write...for free? Is it too difficult to watch a 3-minute YouTube video that most likely took the video maker several hours to make...for NO pay?
You, my conservative brothers and sisters say you're sick of the liberal media, yet you barely bother to support conservative bloggers who are at least willing to put themselves out there. What are YOU doing, besides making your quick Facebook comments based on the title of an article or video that you didn't even take the time to read or watch?
I may be committing blogger suicide by writing this post, but at this point I really don't give a damn anymore. The level of participation by Conservatives is pathetic. There is no point in continuing to bust my ass for nothing if you all don't participate more anyway. The number of people who have to agree with 100% of what someone says in order to continue supporting them is also growing and I, for one, am completely fed-up with it. I only agree with about 70-80% of what MOST people I follow say. This having to agree with EVERYTHING someone says is a new and very disturbing trend among Conservatives.
Que sera, sera.
(Most of you won't even bother to click on that link...which also makes me wonder why I even bother putting any supporting info in any of my blog posts.)
I'm going to tell you what finally prompted me to write this blog post (I've been mulling writing this very post for months now): Yesterday, a video maker named Hugh Atkin uploaded a video to YouTube entitled "U Didn't Build That by MC 'Bama". He obviously spent a TON of time making that video, probably somewhere around 100 hours and, most likely, for FREE. That 3-minute and 45-second video has been on YouTube for a little over 24 hours and only has 5,676 views as of this moment. (The view count for popular YouTube videos is only updated every few hours. There is no "YouTube conspiracy" for keeping the view count down on conservative videos, so don't even go there.) The editing is brilliant. The concept is brilliant. It makes Obama look like a total ass, which I would think most of the Conservatives I know would greatly enjoy seeing. But, the view count is paltry. That video should have 10 times more views than it does by now. And, if Conservatives truly ruled the internet, it would. Conservatives DON'T rule the internet. We don't even come CLOSE!
One video, ANY video, put out by the Obama campaign gets 5,000 views within hours of it being uploaded to YouTube. (They have over 225,000 subscribers, too.) How many subscribers does the Mitt Romney campaign channel have on YouTube? 18,843. Get with the program, Conservatives. Social networking requires participation on more levels than just one. I know that you know that having more information is a good thing. Sharing that information with others is just as important as you reading or watching it for yourself.
A little financial support for those who do all the work to provide that information might be something that some of you could consider, as well. If you have less money than I do, you're homeless. If you're homeless and on the internet, God Bless America!
Another reason I'm writing this post is this: On September 3rd I started a YouTube channel that mirrors the YouTube channel of the Obama campaign. I'm uploading all the videos to this new channel that the Obama campaign uploads to theirs...except for the LONG ones, they take too long to upload. It takes about 15-minutes just to upload their short, 3-minute videos and sometimes they upload 5 or 6 of those in one day! I have to download, convert, and THEN upload each of them. Have to? No, I don't "have to", I do it to offer people a chance to comment freely on all of the videos that the Obama campaign puts out there. You can't post comments on the Obama campaign channel if you disagree with their videos. They moderate ALL of their comments and only the ones that suck-up to or support the president get approved and appear in the comment section under all of their videos.
I have posted about this new YouTube channel that I began (BarackObamadotcomII) at least 50 times on Facebook and on YouTube. Now, either the Conservatives that are seeing my posts don't understand the purpose of the new YouTube channel OR they just don't care about having the President of the United States squash their freedom of speech. People, however, sure seem to be "up in arms" about that very subject right now. (Will anyone even notice that ALL of those are DIFFERENT links? Doubtful.)
Here I am, offering people an opportunity to fight back against those that want to quash free speech and so far only ELEVEN people have subscribed to this new YouTube channel over the past TWO WEEKS!!! ELEVEN. That's embarrassing! More have commented on a few of the videos but if you don't SUBSCRIBE (and click the box to be notified of new uploads via email) you are wasting your time...and so am I...because with every single video I post on YouTube I'll have to make another post on Facebook or Twitter to REMIND YOU to come comment on the new videos! If you'd just SUBSCRIBE and click on the box to be notified of new uploads via email, I wouldn't have to remind you. It is enough to make me want to pull my hair out that people can't seem to understand this concept. The liberals are beginning to subscribe and comment, however. I suppose this will just be another case of the liberals winning the online battle.
Maybe people don't know how to use YouTube? Maybe too many Conservatives are "scared" of YouTube (that whole "Google" thing)? Get over it. YouTube is a viable social networking site and it's not going away. You hear YouTube mentioned on the news at a rate of 100-1 over any other online video site.
Conservatives, either get with the program or stop pretending that your online activity makes any difference whatsoever. Participate. Comment. Like. Share. Re-post. Email. And, do it without asking if you may. Post things in places where a different audience will see it. Venture out of your comfy Facebook groups from time-to-time and plant your flag in another place online, as well. Those of you who claim to have guts, prove it. Put yourselves out there. Put your opinion out there. Don't act like a whiny liberal while you're doing it. Spell properly and represent Conservatism appropriately.
After being a part of a Facebook group that attempted to "organize" Conservatives into action for 8 months, I've learned that trying to herd Conservatives is like trying to herd cats...it ain't happening. I realize that most of what I've written here will not be read, will not be shared, may not be comprehended or understood, and parts of it may not be received warmly. Does that stop me? Nope. Good luck with whatever is that you're doing. How close will this election be?
Oh, and for the love of all that is good, please WATCH, SHARE, LIKE &/or COMMENT on Hugh Atkin's video below.....and, please share this blog post...whether you agree with ALL of it or not! Thank you!
Want to connect?
Here's my YouTube Channel.
Here's my Facebook profile.
Here's my Twitter profile.
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks! Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Pamela Geller Doubles Down: "Obama Sanctioning Blasphemy Laws" (VIDEO)
Last night I reported that Pamela Geller had accused President Obama of "sanctioning the blasphemy laws under the Sharia" when she appeared on FOX & Friends First early yesterday morning.
This morning on FOX & Friends Saturday she was grilled about this accusation by fill-in hosts Peter Johnson, Jr. and Tucker Carlson and she doubled down on her statement.
If you'd like to hop over to Pamela's "Atlas Shrugs" blog to show her some support, HERE'S THE LINK.
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks!Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
This morning on FOX & Friends Saturday she was grilled about this accusation by fill-in hosts Peter Johnson, Jr. and Tucker Carlson and she doubled down on her statement.
If you'd like to hop over to Pamela's "Atlas Shrugs" blog to show her some support, HERE'S THE LINK.
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks!Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
Friday, September 14, 2012
Geller: "Obama is Sanctioning Blasphemy Laws Under the Sharia" (VIDEO)
This morning Pamela Geller appeared on FOX and Friends First and at 2:45 in the video below she said the following:
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"I think it's very important that people understand what's happening here. Obama is sanctioning the blasphemy laws under the Sharia. Under the Sharia, Islamic law, you cannot insult or offend Islam and Obama is submitting the United States to that and I think it's a very dangerous trend."
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks!Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
Afghanis Burn Obama In Effigy (VIDEO)
Today a few Muslims in Afghanistan joined the anti-American protests that are currently sweeping the Middle East and they burned an effigy of President Obama. Below are a couple of screen shots from the video, which is included below.
Note what is on the t-shirt on the effigy in the first picture.

President Obama burned in effigy in Afghanistan.

I can't stand President Obama and I believe that his policies, behaviors, and comments are more likely the cause of all the anti-American protests currently happening in the Middle East, rather than the poorly-made, badly-acted, and cheesy "Innocence of Muslims" almost 14-minute-long trailer (it's NOT a film, as is being widely-reported, it's a long trailer FOR a film) that paints Islam's hero, the prophet Mohammed, as gluttonous and sex-crazed. HOWEVER, no matter how much I do not like President Obama, I do NOT like the images of ANY U.S. president being burned in effigy.
Reuters news report - Obama burned in effigy in Afghanistan:
See the film that is reportedly causing all the protests for yourself below. You've been warned - it's cheesy as hell.
"Innocence of Muslims" (13:51)
Two of the "actors" (term used loosely) in the "movie" (used loosely) say they were fooled by the filmmaker (again, term used loosely) about what kind of movie this was to be:
'Innocence of Muslims' Actress Says She Was Duped by Filmmaker
Actor in anti-Islam film said he was duped
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks!Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
Note what is on the t-shirt on the effigy in the first picture.

President Obama burned in effigy in Afghanistan.

I can't stand President Obama and I believe that his policies, behaviors, and comments are more likely the cause of all the anti-American protests currently happening in the Middle East, rather than the poorly-made, badly-acted, and cheesy "Innocence of Muslims" almost 14-minute-long trailer (it's NOT a film, as is being widely-reported, it's a long trailer FOR a film) that paints Islam's hero, the prophet Mohammed, as gluttonous and sex-crazed. HOWEVER, no matter how much I do not like President Obama, I do NOT like the images of ANY U.S. president being burned in effigy.
Reuters news report - Obama burned in effigy in Afghanistan:
See the film that is reportedly causing all the protests for yourself below. You've been warned - it's cheesy as hell.
"Innocence of Muslims" (13:51)
Two of the "actors" (term used loosely) in the "movie" (used loosely) say they were fooled by the filmmaker (again, term used loosely) about what kind of movie this was to be:
'Innocence of Muslims' Actress Says She Was Duped by Filmmaker
Actor in anti-Islam film said he was duped
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks!Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
Friday, September 7, 2012
Jennifer Granholm, Welcome to the Club (VIDEO)
Former Michigan Governor and host of "The War Room" on Current TV Jennifer Granholm gave the most memorable (and crazy and entertaining) speech during the entire Democrat National Convention (DNC).
All I could hear when she was talking was a bunch of corny sound effects in the background after each of her "punchlines", Howard Dean's crazy scream, and Hillary Clinton's awful, forced laugh (cackle). I made a video that reflects what I was hearing as she was speaking. I hope you enjoy it. If you enjoy it, I hope you share it.
Jennifer is now a member of the Dean-Clinton Crazy Democrat Club.
If you'd like to hear her speech in its entirety, here it is. (Total length: 6:47.)
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks! Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
All I could hear when she was talking was a bunch of corny sound effects in the background after each of her "punchlines", Howard Dean's crazy scream, and Hillary Clinton's awful, forced laugh (cackle). I made a video that reflects what I was hearing as she was speaking. I hope you enjoy it. If you enjoy it, I hope you share it.
Jennifer is now a member of the Dean-Clinton Crazy Democrat Club.
If you'd like to hear her speech in its entirety, here it is. (Total length: 6:47.)
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks! Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Gov. Heineman Please Declare A Statewide Day of Prayer for Drought Relief in Nebraska
This is a plea to Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman to declare a statewide day of prayer for drought relief, economic relief, and whatever other "relief" for our state and/or nation that he would see fit to include. I actually think it would be a great idea if he could coordinate this effort with the Governors of surrounding states, as well.
(I feel compelled to include the following statement: Inevitably, some moron will read this and think that they will be FORCED to pray, this is ONLY for those who WISH to participate!!! Leave the rest of us ALONE who WANT to participate in this day of prayer. Go do your own thing on that day and we will leave you alone as you do. Thank you.)
My main concern is the drought and that is the reason I'm writing this post. Nebraska/Nebraskans have endured and are enduring multiple wildfires, lack of hay, high food prices (for people AND cattle) brought on by this devastating drought. These conditions are only going to get worse as this drought continues. The increasing price of energy is another major concern for many of us as this heat just won't subside. Right now, it's 9:15 PM on September 2 in northeast Nebraska and it is 87 degrees outside.
Government can't fix this, however, government may be able to HELP fix this by calling for a day of prayer within our state. I'm not a very religious person and even I believe that a statewide day of prayer could ONLY help. It would take substantial courage on the part of Governor Heineman to call for such a thing, however. It would be a great idea, for those who are so inclined, to pray for him and his family as he ponders this request and deals with ALL business that affects Nebraska.
A little over a year ago in the state of Texas Governor Rick Perry declared August 6, 2011 "A Day of Prayer and Fasting for Our Nation". Below is a look at the drought conditions across the state of Texas from August 2, 2011 prior to the August 6th day of prayer in Texas. (All images below are from the U.S. Drought Monitor which is maintained at the University of Nebraska.)

Next is a look at the most recent drought conditions in the state of Texas. There are still some trouble spots, but things have drastically improved statewide since the day of prayer in Texas.

Now, here is a look at the drought conditions here in Nebraska from just over 3 months ago (May 29, 2012).

Here is a look at the most recent conditions for Nebraska posted on the U.S. Drought Monitor for August 28, 2012.

Governor Heineman, I hope you'll consider my request. We need a kind of relief that you alone can't provide. Thank you.
Nebraskans and friends of Nebraska, please share this post with whomever you can. Post it on Facebook, Twitter, email it, print it out and mail it if you want. Just please help this get to Governor Heineman. Our state needs relief! Thank you!
Please share THIS LINK: http://nebraskattitude.blogspot.com/2012/09/gov-heineman-please-declare-statewide.html
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks!Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
(I feel compelled to include the following statement: Inevitably, some moron will read this and think that they will be FORCED to pray, this is ONLY for those who WISH to participate!!! Leave the rest of us ALONE who WANT to participate in this day of prayer. Go do your own thing on that day and we will leave you alone as you do. Thank you.)
My main concern is the drought and that is the reason I'm writing this post. Nebraska/Nebraskans have endured and are enduring multiple wildfires, lack of hay, high food prices (for people AND cattle) brought on by this devastating drought. These conditions are only going to get worse as this drought continues. The increasing price of energy is another major concern for many of us as this heat just won't subside. Right now, it's 9:15 PM on September 2 in northeast Nebraska and it is 87 degrees outside.
Government can't fix this, however, government may be able to HELP fix this by calling for a day of prayer within our state. I'm not a very religious person and even I believe that a statewide day of prayer could ONLY help. It would take substantial courage on the part of Governor Heineman to call for such a thing, however. It would be a great idea, for those who are so inclined, to pray for him and his family as he ponders this request and deals with ALL business that affects Nebraska.
A little over a year ago in the state of Texas Governor Rick Perry declared August 6, 2011 "A Day of Prayer and Fasting for Our Nation". Below is a look at the drought conditions across the state of Texas from August 2, 2011 prior to the August 6th day of prayer in Texas. (All images below are from the U.S. Drought Monitor which is maintained at the University of Nebraska.)

Next is a look at the most recent drought conditions in the state of Texas. There are still some trouble spots, but things have drastically improved statewide since the day of prayer in Texas.

Now, here is a look at the drought conditions here in Nebraska from just over 3 months ago (May 29, 2012).

Here is a look at the most recent conditions for Nebraska posted on the U.S. Drought Monitor for August 28, 2012.

Governor Heineman, I hope you'll consider my request. We need a kind of relief that you alone can't provide. Thank you.
Nebraskans and friends of Nebraska, please share this post with whomever you can. Post it on Facebook, Twitter, email it, print it out and mail it if you want. Just please help this get to Governor Heineman. Our state needs relief! Thank you!
Please share THIS LINK: http://nebraskattitude.blogspot.com/2012/09/gov-heineman-please-declare-statewide.html
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks!Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Flooding And Heartbreak In Louisiana (VIDEOS)
I haven't been seeing much in the news about the flooding on the Gulf Coast from Hurricane Isaac. Maybe I just haven't been watching the right TV stations or reading the right websites. Or maybe, because Barack Obama is the president, the media just isn't reporting as much on Hurricane Isaac as they did on Hurricane Katrina when George Bush was in office. The media wouldn't want to make poor Barry feel bad by reporting about the lives of American citizens who are enduring a natural disaster while he's in office. Nevertheless, I decided to go looking on YouTube tonight for some first-hand reports of the flooding. I found what I was looking for.
Below are several videos uploaded by the same man, Steve Spell II, who is living in the middle of the flooding in Springfield, LA. He's recording really high-quality videos with his cell phone and sharing his experience with us. His young daughter Hannah also does some narrating on a few of the videos. As far as I can tell after watching all of his flood-related videos, Steve, his daughter Hannah, and Steve's mother are the only 3 people at this home in Springfield, LA.
I've included several videos from his YouTube channel below. However, Steve has a total of 21 flood-related videos on his YouTube channel so far. I'm including the ones that I thought were some of the most interesting. If you want to see his other videos go to his YouTube channel HERE. Subscribe to his channel; I'm sure he'll be uploading more in the coming days.
The videos below are included in chronological order. The most interesting (to me) are videos #5 and #6 toward the end of this post. I'm including my own brief description of what you'll see in each video, the title of each video, and the description that Steve included under each of his following videos on YouTube. The reality on the ground is depicted in all of these videos. Reality is rarely comfortable.
Video #1 - Steve is on the highway as the hurricane is hitting his area. He stops on a bridge and shows that the water in the river below is now running the wrong way as it is being forced up-river by the high winds. (1:29)
Urgent! Isaac pushes water into Louisiana
Video #2 - This video is truly heart-breaking as Steve and his mother explore the lower level of their house to see if they can find anything they can still use or salvage. Steve is crying - while out of the earshot of his daughter - he doesn't want to upset her. It's an unbelievable first-hand look at a family discovering that their lives have just been turned upside down. This video is also a study in the "normalcy bias" as Steve's mother appears to be more concerned with recovering the sugar and cream for her coffee than rescuing her stranded cat or even the possibility of being electrocuted. (8:46)
Hurricane Isaac Causes chaos as flood waters rise
Video #3 - Steve's daughter Hannah shot and narrated this video. You get some perspective from the mind of an approximately 10-year old girl. This all seems like just another day to her, which is comforting to hear. (3:16)
Fighting Isaac! Hurricane flooding
Video #4 - Steve comes across an elderly neighbor in need while rowing around his neighborhood in his canoe. He goes to check on his own family before returning to help her. (1:04)
Hurricane Isaac. The apocalypse
Video #5 - Steve, Hannah, and Steve's mom return to their neighbor Shirley's home to assist her with her five little dogs who have been treading water for a long time. This is a look at some of the harsh reality of what is happening in this flood. (4:29)
Frantic dog rescue! Hurricane Isaac drowns dogs
Video #6 - Steve goes for another row in his canoe around his neighborhood. He speaks with neighbors who are still at their homes, in boats, on land, and wading through the flood waters. This video provides a great look at the level of water and damage the people in Springfield, LA are dealing with. (15:00)
The longest row. Isaac floods louisiana
If you'd like to see the new videos that Steve will most likely be posting you can subscribe to his YouTube channel or just check-in for his most recent uploads HERE.
God bless Steve, his family, and all of the many families on the Gulf Coast that are enduring the tragic effects of Hurricane Isaac.
If you'd like to donate to the relief effort, the Red Cross is asking for donations.
You can donate by calling the American Red Cross at 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or online at RedCross.org.
A $10.00 donation can also be made by texting “RED CROSS” to 90999.
Video from WAVY.com
***UPDATE*** September 1, 2012 5:54AM CST
I came across this video and thought I'd post it in case the information contained in it may be of some use to you or to someone you may know in the hurricane-affected areas of Louisiana. It's a video from the owner of Surgi's Heating and Air Conditioning announcing they'll be open through Labor Day weekend, including Monday, and will be charging their NORMAL RATES (no weekend rate/no holiday rate). Share it with someone if it can be of use to them. They're also offering special financing if you are in need of a new A/C system. (No, I'm not being compensated for posting this - I just thought someone may find it useful.)
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks!Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
Below are several videos uploaded by the same man, Steve Spell II, who is living in the middle of the flooding in Springfield, LA. He's recording really high-quality videos with his cell phone and sharing his experience with us. His young daughter Hannah also does some narrating on a few of the videos. As far as I can tell after watching all of his flood-related videos, Steve, his daughter Hannah, and Steve's mother are the only 3 people at this home in Springfield, LA.
I've included several videos from his YouTube channel below. However, Steve has a total of 21 flood-related videos on his YouTube channel so far. I'm including the ones that I thought were some of the most interesting. If you want to see his other videos go to his YouTube channel HERE. Subscribe to his channel; I'm sure he'll be uploading more in the coming days.
The videos below are included in chronological order. The most interesting (to me) are videos #5 and #6 toward the end of this post. I'm including my own brief description of what you'll see in each video, the title of each video, and the description that Steve included under each of his following videos on YouTube. The reality on the ground is depicted in all of these videos. Reality is rarely comfortable.
Video #1 - Steve is on the highway as the hurricane is hitting his area. He stops on a bridge and shows that the water in the river below is now running the wrong way as it is being forced up-river by the high winds. (1:29)
Urgent! Isaac pushes water into Louisiana
Steve wrote:
The water is going the wrong way urgent if you are in lower parts of Livingston Parish hunker down and get ready! A flood of historical proportions is coming!! Get to High ground and get ready. Hurricane Ike Rita Gustaf none can compare to hurricane Isaac.
Video #2 - This video is truly heart-breaking as Steve and his mother explore the lower level of their house to see if they can find anything they can still use or salvage. Steve is crying - while out of the earshot of his daughter - he doesn't want to upset her. It's an unbelievable first-hand look at a family discovering that their lives have just been turned upside down. This video is also a study in the "normalcy bias" as Steve's mother appears to be more concerned with recovering the sugar and cream for her coffee than rescuing her stranded cat or even the possibility of being electrocuted. (8:46)
Hurricane Isaac Causes chaos as flood waters rise
Steve wrote:
All of our things were floating some of them up to our waist and chest high. We are sad we have lost it all we picked everything up higher than we thought it needed to be but this storm just came in and hit us with wind and rain until it was all over and there is nothing left but ruin. This is the makings of a very long day.
Video #3 - Steve's daughter Hannah shot and narrated this video. You get some perspective from the mind of an approximately 10-year old girl. This all seems like just another day to her, which is comforting to hear. (3:16)
Fighting Isaac! Hurricane flooding
Steve wrote:
Trying hard to get ready but this storm was big fast and powerful. Hurricane Isaac pummels Louisiana dumping water wind rain tragedy.
Video #4 - Steve comes across an elderly neighbor in need while rowing around his neighborhood in his canoe. He goes to check on his own family before returning to help her. (1:04)
Hurricane Isaac. The apocalypse
Steve wrote:
We are suffering here. This water has got to go down fast soon please God have mercy on our souls.
Video #5 - Steve, Hannah, and Steve's mom return to their neighbor Shirley's home to assist her with her five little dogs who have been treading water for a long time. This is a look at some of the harsh reality of what is happening in this flood. (4:29)
Frantic dog rescue! Hurricane Isaac drowns dogs
Steve wrote:
Ms Shirley's dogs were drowning one by one. It's hard to be everywhere at once. Hurricane Isaac is taking a horrific toll on all of us out here. These animals were treading water and about to drown. Two other dogs had already drowned from the ravaging effects of this storm. Prayers for all.
Video #6 - Steve goes for another row in his canoe around his neighborhood. He speaks with neighbors who are still at their homes, in boats, on land, and wading through the flood waters. This video provides a great look at the level of water and damage the people in Springfield, LA are dealing with. (15:00)
The longest row. Isaac floods louisiana
Steve wrote:
I made a prop on my pirot with my iPhone 4 and paddled my way out of the neighborhood you can see the devastation and how this storm has impacted our lives this 15 minute video is historical evidence of this horrific flood.
If you'd like to see the new videos that Steve will most likely be posting you can subscribe to his YouTube channel or just check-in for his most recent uploads HERE.
God bless Steve, his family, and all of the many families on the Gulf Coast that are enduring the tragic effects of Hurricane Isaac.
If you'd like to donate to the relief effort, the Red Cross is asking for donations.
You can donate by calling the American Red Cross at 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or online at RedCross.org.
A $10.00 donation can also be made by texting “RED CROSS” to 90999.
Video from WAVY.com
Red Cross needs donations for Isaac
***UPDATE*** September 1, 2012 5:54AM CST
I came across this video and thought I'd post it in case the information contained in it may be of some use to you or to someone you may know in the hurricane-affected areas of Louisiana. It's a video from the owner of Surgi's Heating and Air Conditioning announcing they'll be open through Labor Day weekend, including Monday, and will be charging their NORMAL RATES (no weekend rate/no holiday rate). Share it with someone if it can be of use to them. They're also offering special financing if you are in need of a new A/C system. (No, I'm not being compensated for posting this - I just thought someone may find it useful.)
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks!Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
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