If you missed FreePAC's Restoring Freedom event tonight, you can see it in its entirety HERE (As of the time of this post, the entire video is not yet available). Or if you only want bits and pieces, several different videos are posted below.
(H/T TheDailyBeck on YouTube - subscribe to this channel on YouTube HERE.)
Richard Mourdock FreePAC Speech
Dana Loesch FreePAC Speech
Ted Cruz FreePAC Speech
John Fund FreePAC Speech
Deneen Borelli FreePAC Speech
CL Bryant FreePAC Speech
Mike Lee FreePAC Speech
Rand Paul FreePAC Speech
Jim DeMint FreePAC Speech
GLENN BECK Keynote Speech at FreePAC 2012
The Gods of the Copybook Headings (Video I made - fits w/ Glenn's speech.)
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Thursday, July 26, 2012
Saturday, July 21, 2012
LIVE VIDEO of Aurora PD Entering Booby-Trapped Apartment
Live video from NBC News:
If that video player doesn't cooperate because of the way I've embedded it, here is a LINK to the live video on NBC News.com.
Live video from local CBS affiliate.
Live video from local ABC affiliate.
The Aurora PD announces their 3-phase strategy for entering the apartment:
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Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
If that video player doesn't cooperate because of the way I've embedded it, here is a LINK to the live video on NBC News.com.
Live video from local CBS affiliate.
Live video from local ABC affiliate.
The Aurora PD announces their 3-phase strategy for entering the apartment:
Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks!Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
Greta Van Susteren Interviews Brother of Jessica Ghawi - Aurora, CO
Jessica Ghawi was one of the 12 people killed in the movie theater shooting in Aurora, CO in the early morning of July 20th, 2012 while attending a midnight showing of the latest "Batman" movie. Her brother Jordan is live blogging his experience as he's made the trek to Colorado to claim his sister's body.
From Jordan's blog:
You can read much more and follow Jordan's blog HERE.
Jordan is hoping that people will remember the names of the victims, like his sister Jessica, rather than the name of the shooter. As of the time of this posting, the names of only 2 of the other victims have been released, Alex Sullivan and Micayla Medek.
Jessica Ghawi, 24
Alex Sullivan, 27
Micayla Medek, 23
Alex Teves, 24
Matt McQuinn, 27
A.J. Boik, 18 On Facebook: Memorial page - "Remembering AJ Boik
John Thomas Larimer, 27 (U.S. Navy)
Staff Sgt. Jesse Childress, 29 (U.S. Air Force Reserve)
Veronica Moser, 6
Jon Blunk, 26 (U.S. Navy veteran)
Rebecca Wingo, 32 (U.S. Air Force veteran)
Gordon Cowden, 51
Go to the Denver Post for more information on all of the deceased.
Go to the Aurora Sentinel for a partial list of some of the others that were injured in the shooting.
Jordan has done several interviews, as he explains in his blog, in an effort to give a face to the families of the victims rather than the shooter. Below are some of the interviews that Jordan has given with various media outlets.
First, an interview with Jessica's Mom:
Jessica's brother Jordan with Greta Van Susteren on FOX News:
Jordan with Don Lemon on CNN:
Jordan with Anderson Cooper on CNN:
Jordan with KUSA-Denver:
My sympathies to Jessica's family and to the families of all of the victims in this inexplicable tragedy.
This post has been updated with the names of additional victims.
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks!Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
From Jordan's blog:
At approximately 0215 CST, I received an hysterical, and almost unintelligible, phone call from my mother stating that my sister, Jessica Ghawi, had been shot while attending the midnight showing of “The Dark Knight Rises” in Denver, CO. I was able to contact the man that was with my sister, mutual friend Brent, who stated that they were in the theatre when an incendiary device was fired into the crowd and that shots rang out immediately afterwards. Brent further stated that he took two rounds and that my sister took one round followed by an additional round which appeared to strike her in the head. At this time, I do not have confirmation that she is alive or dead. Brent has been transported with non-life threatening injuries to a local hospital. I am on the next flight out of San Antonio to Denver and have already contact Aurora PD, operating jurisdiction, as next of kin.
I will update this as more information becomes available to me.
0510: NBC news reporting 14 confirmed fatalities and 50 wounded
0630: Flying solo on SWA flight 218 to Denver
0745 (local): In Denver and on the way to Aurora to see Brent in the hospital.
0830 (local): Arrived at Children’s Hospital of Denver to see the man who was with Jessica. Difficult time obtaining access to see him due to heightened security. He is stable after being shot at least once. He was able to relay what happened in the theatre.
You can read much more and follow Jordan's blog HERE.
Jordan is hoping that people will remember the names of the victims, like his sister Jessica, rather than the name of the shooter. As of the time of this posting, the names of only 2 of the other victims have been released, Alex Sullivan and Micayla Medek.
Jessica Ghawi, 24
Alex Sullivan, 27
Micayla Medek, 23
Alex Teves, 24
Matt McQuinn, 27
A.J. Boik, 18 On Facebook: Memorial page - "Remembering AJ Boik
John Thomas Larimer, 27 (U.S. Navy)
Staff Sgt. Jesse Childress, 29 (U.S. Air Force Reserve)
Veronica Moser, 6
Jon Blunk, 26 (U.S. Navy veteran)
Rebecca Wingo, 32 (U.S. Air Force veteran)
Gordon Cowden, 51
Go to the Denver Post for more information on all of the deceased.
Go to the Aurora Sentinel for a partial list of some of the others that were injured in the shooting.
Jordan has done several interviews, as he explains in his blog, in an effort to give a face to the families of the victims rather than the shooter. Below are some of the interviews that Jordan has given with various media outlets.
First, an interview with Jessica's Mom:
Jessica's brother Jordan with Greta Van Susteren on FOX News:
Jordan with Don Lemon on CNN:
Jordan with Anderson Cooper on CNN:
Jordan with KUSA-Denver:
My sympathies to Jessica's family and to the families of all of the victims in this inexplicable tragedy.
This post has been updated with the names of additional victims.
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks!Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
Friday, July 20, 2012
Muslim Brotherhood in America (ENTIRE COURSE - 11 VIDEOS)
When researching my last post I came across this gem. I thought I'd share it here (and make it easier to get to all of the videos ON YouTube).
This is a 10-part video series entitled "Muslim Brotherhood in America - A Course in 10 Parts Presented by Frank Gaffney."
From Frank Gaffney on the "Muslim Brotherhood in America" website:
Read more HERE.
I recommend that you bookmark or save to your desktop either this blog post or the link to the "Muslim Brotherhood in America" website for this video series. There actually is a total of 11 videos - one is "an overview" of the entire series. All eleven of these videos range in length from 15 minutes to 2 hours long. Most of the videos are around 30 minutes long. In total, there are around 9 hours of video included below. Most people will probably require several DAYS to view all of the videos below.
Muslim Brotherhood in America: The Overview (14:59)
Muslim Brotherhood in America, Part 1: The Threat Doctrine of Shariah & the Muslim Brotherhood (27:04)
Muslim Brotherhood in America, Part 2: 'Civilization Jihad' in America (36:02)
Muslim Brotherhood in America, Part 3: Influence Operations Against Conservatives & the GOP (38:38)
Muslim Brotherhood in America, Part 4: Suhail Khan, A Case Study in Influence Operations (51:43)
Muslim Brotherhood in America, Part 5: The Organizations Islamists Are Using to Subvert the Right (35:34)
Muslim Brotherhood in America, Part 6: Electing Islamist Republicans (14:47)
Muslim Brotherhood in America, Part 7: Advancing the Islamists' Agendas (38:33)
Muslim Brotherhood in America, Part 8: Team Obama & the Islamists (59:12)
For some reason, embedding for Part 9 is turned off - you will have to click the link below to be taken to YouTube to watch this video. It is 2 hours long.
Muslim Brotherhood in America, Part 9: Team Obama & the Islamist Agenda
Muslim Brotherhood in America, Part 10: What's To Be Done? (1:04:37)
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks!Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
This is a 10-part video series entitled "Muslim Brotherhood in America - A Course in 10 Parts Presented by Frank Gaffney."
From Frank Gaffney on the "Muslim Brotherhood in America" website:
By allowing our attention to be focused exclusively on the danger and prevention of terrorism, we ignore the many other ways we are being attacked. Specifically, we are missing what our Islamist enemies call their ‘civilization jihad’ — a form of warfare that employs manipulative financial techniques, lawfare, infiltration of our civil institutions and government and insidious information dominance. Together, these have the effect of exploiting our liberties and governing structures against us, so that our leaders wind up imposing the very anti-American values that our enemies promote.
Welcome to The Muslim Brotherhood in America: The Enemy Within — a 10-part, web-based video briefing that is designed to explain why and how this is happening.
It addresses a threat most Americans are unaware even exists within our country, let alone the degree of peril it represents.
The threat is the totalitarian, supremacist Islamic doctrine its adherents call “shariah” and the organized, disciplined and increasingly successful efforts by such adherents– most especially the Muslim Brotherhood– to bring it here.
Read more HERE.
I recommend that you bookmark or save to your desktop either this blog post or the link to the "Muslim Brotherhood in America" website for this video series. There actually is a total of 11 videos - one is "an overview" of the entire series. All eleven of these videos range in length from 15 minutes to 2 hours long. Most of the videos are around 30 minutes long. In total, there are around 9 hours of video included below. Most people will probably require several DAYS to view all of the videos below.
Muslim Brotherhood in America: The Overview (14:59)
Muslim Brotherhood in America, Part 1: The Threat Doctrine of Shariah & the Muslim Brotherhood (27:04)
Muslim Brotherhood in America, Part 2: 'Civilization Jihad' in America (36:02)
Muslim Brotherhood in America, Part 3: Influence Operations Against Conservatives & the GOP (38:38)
Muslim Brotherhood in America, Part 4: Suhail Khan, A Case Study in Influence Operations (51:43)
Muslim Brotherhood in America, Part 5: The Organizations Islamists Are Using to Subvert the Right (35:34)
Muslim Brotherhood in America, Part 6: Electing Islamist Republicans (14:47)
Muslim Brotherhood in America, Part 7: Advancing the Islamists' Agendas (38:33)
Muslim Brotherhood in America, Part 8: Team Obama & the Islamists (59:12)
For some reason, embedding for Part 9 is turned off - you will have to click the link below to be taken to YouTube to watch this video. It is 2 hours long.
Muslim Brotherhood in America, Part 9: Team Obama & the Islamist Agenda
Muslim Brotherhood in America, Part 10: What's To Be Done? (1:04:37)
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks!Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Apologists in the Republican Party Attack Michele Bachmann
The apologists in the Republican party have joined the ignorant left and have come out to blast Congresswoman Michele Bachmann for standing up for national security after her and 4 other House members wrote letters demanding answers about the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood into our military and the Obama administration. Yes. She's concerned about national security and the GOP elite (GOPe) are worried about how this will make them appear to liberals (like those who constantly make excuses for and stick up for the Muslim Brotherhood). The GOPe care more about appeasing the enemy than they do about fighting the enemy. They're making fools of themselves while they attack the people that are standing up for our national security.
The phony outrage is over Bachmann's supposed suggestion that Huma Abedin, who is a top aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (and wife of disgraced Congressman Anthony Weiner D-NY), has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood via her parents. When, in reality, the questions about Abedin that Bachmann raised were more than valid; she asked if Abedin had been properly vetted when receiving her national security clearance BECAUSE Abedin's family has had ties to the Brotherhood. I would think that those who have legitimate concerns about our national security (and an OUNCE of honesty) WOULD be concerned about this.
From Congresswoman Bachmann's website - posted on JUNE 13th (I wonder what the reason is for the one-month delay in the phony outrage?):
I suggest that you read the entire letter posted on Bachmann's website HERE.
The back-story (I'm not going to rehash it - read these stories if you're not up to speed on this subject):
June 15, 2012
House Members Demand Answers on Depth of U.S. Involvement With the Muslim Brotherhood
July 19, 2012
Bachmann Hits Back at Critics Regarding Her Letter About Muslim Brotherhood and Its U.S. Tentacles
July 19, 2012
CAIR Slams Bachmann for Muslim Brotherhood Letter: ‘Giving Us a Six Degrees of Separation Drinking Game’
Here are the 5 members of Congress that care more about our national security than they do political correctness:
Here are the apologists in the Republican party (so far) that care more about political correctness and how they appear to liberals than they do about our national security:
Read more HERE.
Watch what RINO apologist McCain had to say about Bachmann on the Senate floor on Wednesday HERE. He loves that liberals love him. Coward.
Read what Ed Rollins wrote. What a boob. Why the scathing attack on Bachmann, Ed? What are you trying to preserve? You resigned from Bachmann's campaign because you said you were "too old" to play that game anymore - which makes me wonder why you're trying to retain your perceived "gravitas" within the Republican ranks. I digress.
This morning on radio Glenn Beck interviewed Congresswoman Bachmann. Here is that interview:
If you'd prefer a transcript of this interview, you can find it HERE.
If you have never seen the Glenn Beck documentary Rumors of War III, you can view it below in 4 parts. It will show you the members of the Muslim Brotherhood that are currently in the Obama administration, in our White House, and in our federal government. There is no conspiracy. There is undeniable fact. You can see it below.
Rumors of War - Part 1
Rumors of War - Part 2
Rumors of War - Part 3
Rumors of War - Part 4
If you'd like to see Rumors of War & Rumors of War II you can find them HERE.
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks!Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
The phony outrage is over Bachmann's supposed suggestion that Huma Abedin, who is a top aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (and wife of disgraced Congressman Anthony Weiner D-NY), has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood via her parents. When, in reality, the questions about Abedin that Bachmann raised were more than valid; she asked if Abedin had been properly vetted when receiving her national security clearance BECAUSE Abedin's family has had ties to the Brotherhood. I would think that those who have legitimate concerns about our national security (and an OUNCE of honesty) WOULD be concerned about this.
From Congresswoman Bachmann's website - posted on JUNE 13th (I wonder what the reason is for the one-month delay in the phony outrage?):
Today, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN-06) and Congressmen Trent Franks (AZ-02), Louie Gohmert (TX-01), Tom Rooney (FL-16) and Lynn Westmoreland (GA-03) sent letters to the Inspectors General of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice and the Department of State. These letters seek answers about the U.S. government’s involvement with the Muslim Brotherhood, a group that calls for "civilization jihad."
I suggest that you read the entire letter posted on Bachmann's website HERE.
The back-story (I'm not going to rehash it - read these stories if you're not up to speed on this subject):
June 15, 2012
House Members Demand Answers on Depth of U.S. Involvement With the Muslim Brotherhood
July 19, 2012
Bachmann Hits Back at Critics Regarding Her Letter About Muslim Brotherhood and Its U.S. Tentacles
July 19, 2012
CAIR Slams Bachmann for Muslim Brotherhood Letter: ‘Giving Us a Six Degrees of Separation Drinking Game’
Here are the 5 members of Congress that care more about our national security than they do political correctness:
Michele Bachmann (MN-06)
Trent Franks (AZ-02)
Louie Gohmert (TX-01)
Tom Rooney (FL-16)
Lynn Westmoreland (GA-03)
Here are the apologists in the Republican party (so far) that care more about political correctness and how they appear to liberals than they do about our national security:
Senator John McCain (always the first RINO to show his stripes)
Speaker of the House John Boehner
Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.)
Rep. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) (Current Senate candidate in AZ.)
Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.)
Ed Rollins (Bachmann's former presidential campaign manager.)
Senator Lindsey Graham (I can find NO LINK to back this up, however, I heard Anderson Cooper report it on "Anderson Cooper 360" Thursday night.)
Senator Marco Rubio (Marco doesn't "share the feelings" in Bachmann letter on Clinton aide) Way to go Marco. You must be loving the ass-kissing you're getting from the GOPe. You've proven, again, that you just don't get it. Look at the company you're keeping. You agree with McCain, Graham, & Brown. RINOs all. You should take pictures at the "welcome to the club" party I'm sure they'll throw for you. What a disappointment you've turned out to be.
Read more HERE.
Watch what RINO apologist McCain had to say about Bachmann on the Senate floor on Wednesday HERE. He loves that liberals love him. Coward.
Read what Ed Rollins wrote. What a boob. Why the scathing attack on Bachmann, Ed? What are you trying to preserve? You resigned from Bachmann's campaign because you said you were "too old" to play that game anymore - which makes me wonder why you're trying to retain your perceived "gravitas" within the Republican ranks. I digress.
This morning on radio Glenn Beck interviewed Congresswoman Bachmann. Here is that interview:
If you'd prefer a transcript of this interview, you can find it HERE.
If you have never seen the Glenn Beck documentary Rumors of War III, you can view it below in 4 parts. It will show you the members of the Muslim Brotherhood that are currently in the Obama administration, in our White House, and in our federal government. There is no conspiracy. There is undeniable fact. You can see it below.
Rumors of War - Part 1
Rumors of War - Part 2
Rumors of War - Part 3
Rumors of War - Part 4
If you'd like to see Rumors of War & Rumors of War II you can find them HERE.
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks!Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Obama Copies Indian Squaw Elizabeth Warren - You Didn't Build That (VIDEO)
My commentary, which is included at the end of the video below, which I made:
This is absolute LUNACY (as are most progressive/socialist ideals). My parents paid for my teachers and the roads and the police and the firemen when I was a kid, as did their parents when they were kids. Now *I* pay for the teachers and the roads and the police and the fire (and all of the other "services" these two socialists may wish to include). ALL of those people were compensated for conducting their duties, as they were HIRED to do.
Not ONE of those people OWNS a thing that I create. NOT ONE.
What I create is MINE. What they create is THEIRS (and if any of these boobs have one of Obama's newly-created / over-compensated government jobs, & thereby create NOTHING, that's THEIR problem!) How DARE YOU try to make it MINE???
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks!Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?
This is absolute LUNACY (as are most progressive/socialist ideals). My parents paid for my teachers and the roads and the police and the firemen when I was a kid, as did their parents when they were kids. Now *I* pay for the teachers and the roads and the police and the fire (and all of the other "services" these two socialists may wish to include). ALL of those people were compensated for conducting their duties, as they were HIRED to do.
Not ONE of those people OWNS a thing that I create. NOT ONE.
What I create is MINE. What they create is THEIRS (and if any of these boobs have one of Obama's newly-created / over-compensated government jobs, & thereby create NOTHING, that's THEIR problem!) How DARE YOU try to make it MINE???
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the “Follow by email” box near the top of this page. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you’ll only receive ONE email. Thanks!Because the left owns the media in this country, I blog. If you don’t share these posts, who else will see them?