Saturday, June 16, 2012

Governor Sarah Palin - Right Online Conference (VIDEO)

Last night former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was the headline speaker at the RightOnline conference being held in Las Vegas. The conference continues through the weekend. Below is just one of the quotes from her speech. (The full speech is posted below.)

I transcribed the first video.

But, say for the sake of argument that they couldn't afford to do the job. They couldn't afford to send reporters to Chicago to research a candidate's record because they spent all their money in...Wasilla? At the Mocha Mouse, they were gonna find out what kind of coffee Bristol really ordered when she was seventeen.


So, for the sake of argument, say they ran out of money. Why at least did they not read his autobiography? They have learned a whole lot (applause) and not just about all that poccalo smokin' and that cocaine snortin' and what he ate..."Fido!" I think it's funny that the cocktail circuit/circus gives me a hard time for eating elk and moose but, come on, there's a difference. Anybody here have a pet moose? There's a difference.


FULL SPEECH (H/T RightScoop):

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