Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Palin 'Run' Ad Runs in Iowa (VIDEO)

This video shows the frequency that the "Run, Sarah, Run" ad from C4P, Palin4America, and PalinTv ran on our local Sioux City, Iowa ABC affiliate, KCAU-TV today. There is also a short 3-minute "political segment" that ran on KCAU, during which reporters from the Sioux City Journal KCAU discuss this ad. Their discussion of this ad only lasts for about 30-seconds of the 3-minute segment.

The video that I referred to above as the "Run, Sarah, Run" ad is actually entitled "The Challenge." Here is the video of the entire ad that aired on KCAU today:

If you'd like to join a group of us on facebook that are asking Governor Palin to please reconsider her decision to not run for president in 2012, please join us HERE. (We were not affiliated with the making of "The Challenge" video that is highlighted in this post. We do, however, support it fully.)

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