This video shows the frequency that the "Run, Sarah, Run" ad from C4P, Palin4America, and PalinTv ran on our local Sioux City, Iowa ABC affiliate, KCAU-TV today. There is also a short 3-minute "political segment" that ran on KCAU, during which reporters from the Sioux City Journal KCAU discuss this ad. Their discussion of this ad only lasts for about 30-seconds of the 3-minute segment.
The video that I referred to above as the "Run, Sarah, Run" ad is actually entitled "The Challenge." Here is the video of the entire ad that aired on KCAU today:
If you'd like to join a group of us on facebook that are asking Governor Palin to please reconsider her decision to not run for president in 2012, please join us HERE. (We were not affiliated with the making of "The Challenge" video that is highlighted in this post. We do, however, support it fully.)
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
State of Florida's Graphic Driver/Pedestrian Video - Too Far?
The State of Florida released a graphic Public Service Announcement about pedestrian and driver awareness.
It's a pretty graphic video and I'm interested to know if you think it goes too far. I don't think it does.
From the NY Daily News:
Read more from the NY Daily News HERE.
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It's a pretty graphic video and I'm interested to know if you think it goes too far. I don't think it does.
From the NY Daily News:
Florida is trying to shock some sense into clueless pedestrians and distracted driver by posting a graphic video that shows real people getting nailed by cars.
The video on the Florida Department of Transportation website starts with a warning: “May be unsuitable for small children.”
Then it proceeds to show a car slamming into a person in a crosswalk and tossing his body lack a sack of cement across an intersection.
It shows a jaywalker getting hit head-on by a car.
It shows another walker getting clipped by a vehicle and hurled into the air before crashing down on the windshield and then the road.
There is footage of police officers and body bags. There are shots of bloody jogging shoes abandoned on the highway.
Read more from the NY Daily News HERE.
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Obama Gets Flipped-off by Russian TV Anchor (VIDEO)
Who cares what she was saying? Sometimes it's just feels good to have a childish display for an American President who thinks his shiz doesn't smell.
Yeah, yeah...the Russians don't like us and we don't like them. Duh.
Read more from the Huffington Post HERE. They're reporting it like it's a bad thing in their headline: "Reporter Fail: Russian Anchor Gives Middle Finger On Live TV (VIDEO)".
If you speak Russian, please post a translation in the comment section below. Thank you.
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Yeah, yeah...the Russians don't like us and we don't like them. Duh.
Read more from the Huffington Post HERE. They're reporting it like it's a bad thing in their headline: "Reporter Fail: Russian Anchor Gives Middle Finger On Live TV (VIDEO)".
If you speak Russian, please post a translation in the comment section below. Thank you.
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Sunday, November 20, 2011
Commie Obama
I know this post is a bit lame. I'm really just making this post so that I have a handy method of getting back to this amazing list of evidence that supports the accusations that Obama is a Communist, Marxist, Socialist, Islamic Terrorist-Supporting, America-hating Progressive.
I'm not sure how one really could deny all of the evidence found HERE. This is an amazing compilation of evidence. Check it out.
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I'm not sure how one really could deny all of the evidence found HERE. This is an amazing compilation of evidence. Check it out.
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Occupy Oakland Calls For Shutdown Of ALL West Coast Ports
Merry Christmas from Occupy Oakland.
You can read the rest of this story HERE.
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Vandalism, violence, burning and shutting down the nation’s fifth busiest port weren’t enough for Occupy Oakland. On Friday, the General Assembly for the group voted unanimously for “a coordinated shutdown of ports on the entire West Coast on December 12."
According to a statement from Occupy Oakland, this move is in “response to coordinated attacks on the occupations and attacks on workers across the nation.” “We call on each West Coast occupation to organize a mass mobilization to shut down its local port.”
Occupy Los Angeles had already called for action against one shipper at that port, stating, “occupation will take place at at least one facility owned by SSA Marine, a shipping company belonging to Goldman Sachs, (coordinated with a possible port shut down by the port truck drivers).”
The Occupy Oakland statement also complained about “continued union-busting and attacks on organized labor, in particular the rupture of Longshoremen jurisdiction in Longview Washington.”
You can read the rest of this story HERE.
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Friday, November 18, 2011
Scumbags on Parade Within Occupy Wall Street
The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) crowd may just be one of the largest gathering of scumbags throughout all of human history. There is video after video after video after video after video after video after video after video after video after video online that backs-up my theory.
Here is yet another video that was just uploaded to YouTube early this morning which depicts more of the horrendous behavior that is all-too-common within OWS. It was shot at the Occupy Portland protests yesterday. In it, you will see the OWS protesters taunting and intimidating the police, interfering with mass transit, and one guy, the scumbag you see below, harasses and spits on journalists, and he even fondles himself in front of a row of cameras.
I echo the "thank you to the police" that the cameraman stated in the above video.
Maybe the politicians that support this crowd, such as President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA), Congresswoman Maxine Waters (CA), Congressman Dennis Kucinich (OH), Congressman Jerrold Nadler (NY), Congressman Raúl Grijalva (AZ), Congressman Charlie Rangel (NY), Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA), Congressman John Larson (CT), who are all Progressive Democrats, should be voted out of America, along with this entire movement. I'll bet they'd all be welcome in the newly liberated "democracy" of Libya.
Here you can find a list of those who support, finance, and "feel the pain" of the OWS protesters:
The 99%: Official list of Occupy Wall Street’s supporters, sponsors and sympathizers
List compiled by Zombie.
This is an amazingly LONG city-by-city, crime-by-crime list:
Just Like the Tea Party: A List of Occupy Mayhem Sorted by Type
List compiled by Verum Serum.
And, here is yet another list of crimes & general bad behavior (At the time of this posting there are 271 incidents included on this list.):
*UPDATED* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far
List compiled by John Nolte of
All of it is DISGUSTING.
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Here is yet another video that was just uploaded to YouTube early this morning which depicts more of the horrendous behavior that is all-too-common within OWS. It was shot at the Occupy Portland protests yesterday. In it, you will see the OWS protesters taunting and intimidating the police, interfering with mass transit, and one guy, the scumbag you see below, harasses and spits on journalists, and he even fondles himself in front of a row of cameras.
I echo the "thank you to the police" that the cameraman stated in the above video.
Maybe the politicians that support this crowd, such as President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA), Congresswoman Maxine Waters (CA), Congressman Dennis Kucinich (OH), Congressman Jerrold Nadler (NY), Congressman Raúl Grijalva (AZ), Congressman Charlie Rangel (NY), Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA), Congressman John Larson (CT), who are all Progressive Democrats, should be voted out of America, along with this entire movement. I'll bet they'd all be welcome in the newly liberated "democracy" of Libya.
Here you can find a list of those who support, finance, and "feel the pain" of the OWS protesters:
The 99%: Official list of Occupy Wall Street’s supporters, sponsors and sympathizers
List compiled by Zombie.
This is an amazingly LONG city-by-city, crime-by-crime list:
Just Like the Tea Party: A List of Occupy Mayhem Sorted by Type
List compiled by Verum Serum.
And, here is yet another list of crimes & general bad behavior (At the time of this posting there are 271 incidents included on this list.):
*UPDATED* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far
List compiled by John Nolte of
All of it is DISGUSTING.
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Thursday, November 17, 2011
Governor Sarah Palin Appears With Sean Hannity on FOX News (VIDEO)
Part One:
Part Two:
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Part Two:
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NYPD Did NOT Drag a Woman By Her Hair at OWS Day of Action
While looking through various news reports about today's Occupy Wall Street "Day of Action" in New York City, I came across an inaccurate representation about the NYPD and I wanted to set the record straight.
A video was originally uploaded to CNN by a CNN iReporter.
Next, the story was posted on "The Raw Story" with a quote from the iReporter who shot the video:
When you watch the video at normal speed, it does kind of look like the officer is dragging her around by her hair. I wanted to know for sure, so I downloaded the video and looked at it frame-by-frame. The officer certainly does NOT have a hold of her hair, he's got a hold of her backpack.
She was dragged because that's what happens to people who practice passive resistance when the cops arrest them. The person goes limp and they do not comply with the officers. If she didn't want to be dragged by her backpack, she could have walked. If others didn't want to see her be dragged, they should have implored her to "stand up & walk" instead of yelling out "go help her" and chanting "shame" at the cops.
Here is the original video, in its entirety, from CNN (this video was "approved for air" on CNN and is listed as an "Editor's Pick" on CNN's iReport website):
Here is a slow-motion video (with that annoying chanting MUTED and REPLACED with Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata) of the interaction between the police and the criminal. The slow-motion part begins at about the 2-minute mark.
Keep up the excellent job, NYPD and police all over the country. You and your families are in our prayers.
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A video was originally uploaded to CNN by a CNN iReporter.
Next, the story was posted on "The Raw Story" with a quote from the iReporter who shot the video:
“We noticed that cops were pulling the girl by her hair,” said a CNN iReporter, who recorded the incident.
“People starting yelling that it was police brutality. That’s when I started filming.”
When you watch the video at normal speed, it does kind of look like the officer is dragging her around by her hair. I wanted to know for sure, so I downloaded the video and looked at it frame-by-frame. The officer certainly does NOT have a hold of her hair, he's got a hold of her backpack.
She was dragged because that's what happens to people who practice passive resistance when the cops arrest them. The person goes limp and they do not comply with the officers. If she didn't want to be dragged by her backpack, she could have walked. If others didn't want to see her be dragged, they should have implored her to "stand up & walk" instead of yelling out "go help her" and chanting "shame" at the cops.
Here is the original video, in its entirety, from CNN (this video was "approved for air" on CNN and is listed as an "Editor's Pick" on CNN's iReport website):
Here is a slow-motion video (with that annoying chanting MUTED and REPLACED with Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata) of the interaction between the police and the criminal. The slow-motion part begins at about the 2-minute mark.
Keep up the excellent job, NYPD and police all over the country. You and your families are in our prayers.
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Occupy Wall Street - "Day of Action" Planned Today for NYC (VIDEO included)
Today is scheduled to be a big day for the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement as they are planning on occupying the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), part of the subway system, and Foley Square. This is an all-day, 3-part event that is scheduled to begin at 7AM EST and end with the protesters gathering for their third and final stop of the day at 5PM at Foley Square. More detail about today's events will be covered later in this post.
I went to the OWS facebook page last night to see what people were discussing and I found an array of opinions and attitudes about today's planned events in the comment sections. The video below is a collection of those various comments. Some were supportive of OWS, some were not; the video contains a mixture of both types of comments.
***Language Warning (as with nearly everything OWS)***
This next video gives you an idea of what some of the protesters have in mind for today. This was recorded on Tuesday night, November 15th, after the protesters were evicted by the NYPD from Zuccotti Park where they had been camped out for the past couple of months.
***Again, Language Warning***
The "official poster" for today's scheduled "day of action" is below. Take a close look at it and notice all of the subtle details.
Naturally, this event has an "event page" on facebook, as well. Here is part of the description of this event from that page:
To see the full schedule of events, as well as links to two other facebook event pages related to today's activities, go HERE to read the entire description of this event.
As evidenced in the 1st video in this post, there are more protests scheduled today in several other major cities in the USA as a "show of solidarity" with today's "Day of Action" taking place in New York City.
As evidenced in the 2nd video in this post, some protesters may have plans for violence.
Please pray for our police, our country, and for wisdom for the protesters.
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I went to the OWS facebook page last night to see what people were discussing and I found an array of opinions and attitudes about today's planned events in the comment sections. The video below is a collection of those various comments. Some were supportive of OWS, some were not; the video contains a mixture of both types of comments.
***Language Warning (as with nearly everything OWS)***
This next video gives you an idea of what some of the protesters have in mind for today. This was recorded on Tuesday night, November 15th, after the protesters were evicted by the NYPD from Zuccotti Park where they had been camped out for the past couple of months.
***Again, Language Warning***
The "official poster" for today's scheduled "day of action" is below. Take a close look at it and notice all of the subtle details.
Naturally, this event has an "event page" on facebook, as well. Here is part of the description of this event from that page:
It's Time for the 99% to declare an Economic Emergency. And on November 17th, 5PM at Foley Square, we'll do just that.
Mayor Bloomberg's attempts to shut down the Occupy Movement was a bad move. Now it's time to take our city back.
• November 17th is a national day of action against policies that have enriched the 1% and impoverished the 99%. It is a day to focus the anger of our growing movement on... Congress’ failure to create good jobs for the unemployed while at the same time it pursues job-killing budget cuts to pay for more tax cuts for corporations and the rich.
• Enough is enough—we can’t wait any longer. Three years after Wall Street wrecked our economy, 25 million people are still unable to find full-time work and the scandalous gap between the 1% and the 99% continues to grow. But instead of creating jobs, Congress continues to ignore the concerns of the 99%, and focuses on job-killing budget cuts and tax giveaways for the rich.
We take back the city at 5PM
To see the full schedule of events, as well as links to two other facebook event pages related to today's activities, go HERE to read the entire description of this event.
As evidenced in the 1st video in this post, there are more protests scheduled today in several other major cities in the USA as a "show of solidarity" with today's "Day of Action" taking place in New York City.
As evidenced in the 2nd video in this post, some protesters may have plans for violence.
Please pray for our police, our country, and for wisdom for the protesters.
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Wednesday, November 16, 2011
"X-Factor" Contestant Chris Rene Wears "Occupy All Streets" Shirt in Live TV Performance (VIDEO)
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Screen grab from the video below. |
Approximately 2 months ago Glenn Beck predicted that we would begin seeing "Occupy Wall Street" (OWS) merchandise in the mainstream. Tonight on the X-Factor, contestant Chris Rene wore Jay Z's "Occupy All Streets" t-shirt during his performance on live TV.
Sales from Jay Z's t-shirt are not profiting OWS (at this time). They are profiting Jay Z, much to the chagrin of many in OWS.
Capitalism is alive and well...and, Glenn Beck is right, AGAIN: Hollywood is playing its part in helping to bring OWS into the mainstream...on prime-time television.
Here's the video:
"X Factor US Top 10 : Chris Rene Rock Song Performance No Woman"
Hopefully, Chris will be voted-off next week.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Outback Steakhouse Fires Tea Partier Over "Don't Tread On Me" Bracelet
A four-year employee of the "Outback Steakhouse" in Crystal Lake, Ilinois was fired on October 6, 2011 for wearing a "Gadsden" bracelet. The bracelet pictured below is the one she was wearing when she was terminated from her job.
This ordeal began with a customer in the restaurant questioning former Outback Steakhouse employee Megan Geller about the above bracelet she was wearing while at work. When Megan told this customer that this bracelet came to her via a TEA Party convention, the customer became upset and demanded to speak with Megan's manager.
Below is part of a statement that Megan's mother, Tonya Franklin, has on her facebook page about this ordeal:
Megan appealed her termination with the Illinois Department of Employment Security and on November 10th she received a determination letter that specifically stated she was fired for the wearing of the bracelet. Coincidentally, November 10th also happens to be considered the "birthday" of the Marine Corps. The Gadsden flag is a symbol commonly associated with the Marine Corps.
The evening of November 11th, Veteran's Day, TEA Partiers gathered outside the Outback Steakhouse for a demonstration in protest of Megan's firing for wearing the "Don't Tread on Me" bracelet.
Quotes from Tonya Franklin during the protest (video below):
Quotes from Megan Geller during the protest (video below)
Megan was interviewed by Simon Conway on the Simon Conway Show on Newsradio 1040AM WHO on Monday. Megan's Mother, Tonya Franklin, was interviewed by Vicki McKenna for The Vicki McKenna Show on Newstalk 1130AM WISN on Monday about this situation. Both of these interviews are included in the video below, respectively.
From the Northwest Herald (emphasis added):
It does appear as though Outback Steakhouse has replied (and denies) this story. This is an email, received by a reader, that was forwarded to the McHenry County Blog:
In the interest of full-disclosure: I am friends with Tonya Franklin on facebook where we have communicated minimally about our mutual support for the TEA Party. We have never met in-person.
When I asked Tonya yesterday morning if there was anything else she thought I should know about this story, she responded with this comment:
If you wish to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the "Follow by email" box near the top of this page. I will not see your email address, or even if you subscribed. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you only receive ONE email. Thanks!
This ordeal began with a customer in the restaurant questioning former Outback Steakhouse employee Megan Geller about the above bracelet she was wearing while at work. When Megan told this customer that this bracelet came to her via a TEA Party convention, the customer became upset and demanded to speak with Megan's manager.
Below is part of a statement that Megan's mother, Tonya Franklin, has on her facebook page about this ordeal:
My daughter was fired from Outback Steakhouse after customers (husband/wife) got very upset over her wearing this bracelet, the woman kept asking where she got it and what it meant and when my daughter said my mom got it at a TEA Party convention the woman flipped. "Those were the wrong two words to say to me. The Tea Party is ruining this Country and you need to get yourself educated little girl". After the woman was finished insulting her she said "box up my damn food, get me some more water and while you're at it get me your damn manager". She sent the owner over and he was at the table for close to 10 mins or longer and then he said he had 2 complaints tonight and that he was letting her go.
Megan appealed her termination with the Illinois Department of Employment Security and on November 10th she received a determination letter that specifically stated she was fired for the wearing of the bracelet. Coincidentally, November 10th also happens to be considered the "birthday" of the Marine Corps. The Gadsden flag is a symbol commonly associated with the Marine Corps.
The evening of November 11th, Veteran's Day, TEA Partiers gathered outside the Outback Steakhouse for a demonstration in protest of Megan's firing for wearing the "Don't Tread on Me" bracelet.
Quotes from Tonya Franklin during the protest (video below):
"The (Gadsden) bracelet is not a (statement of) a political point of view. My son is in the Marines. My husband is a 24-year veteran of the Air Force. It's a patriotic point of view and if you can be fired for that, you can be fired for wearing a lapel pin of a flag."
"I want an apology. She deserves an apology. She was 4 years with that company. She transferred from Carrabba's in Florida to Carrabba's in Virginia. Yes, she did. And then transferred here to Outback. There wasn't a Carrabba's close enough so they put her in The Outback. I worked for Outback when I was a kid. I have a problem with what they're doing. They say they stand for veterans. They're in there giving away 'Bloomin' Onions' to veterans. Well, where do you stand tonight? We've got proof. It's not our word against theirs. Even the state (of Illinois) agrees with us. She was fired over that bracelet."
Quotes from Megan Geller during the protest (video below)
"My managers have seen the bracelet in the past. They've even acknowledged it and asked me about it and never asked me to take the bracelet off."
I'm actually standing out here to stand up for their (former co-workers) rights and my rights and everyone else's rights. That it's not right to be fired over my political view which I didn't intentionally force upon anybody. I wasn't talking politics. I actually was supporting my brother who is (in the) Marine Corps. My step-father who is retired 24 years Air Force (and) all of my friends that I've grown up with on military bases who are now in the Army and etcetera.
So, the fact that they're telling me that I'm taking food from their children's mouth tonight, really breaks my heart because I'm standing out here for their rights. And, I won't have my rights violated. I won't do it. I don't care if I'm 72, if I'm 14 or if I'm 23, which I am, I will not stand-down and I will not allow this to happen to anyone ever again.
Megan was interviewed by Simon Conway on the Simon Conway Show on Newsradio 1040AM WHO on Monday. Megan's Mother, Tonya Franklin, was interviewed by Vicki McKenna for The Vicki McKenna Show on Newstalk 1130AM WISN on Monday about this situation. Both of these interviews are included in the video below, respectively.
From the Northwest Herald (emphasis added):
Documents from the Illinois Department of Employment Security provided by Geller state that she was fired for misconduct, but she should not have been denied unemployment benefits.
"The evidence shows the claimant was discharged from [Outback Steakhouse] because they received a couple complaints from customers since she was wearing a bracelet with a political point of view," according to documents from the state agency. "Since the claimant's action, which resulted in her discharge was not deliberate or willful, the claimant is not ineligible for benefits."
Outback did not challenge Geller's unemployment claim, or submit any information regarding her claim, Kadow said.
Read more from the Northwest Herald HERE.
It does appear as though Outback Steakhouse has replied (and denies) this story. This is an email, received by a reader, that was forwarded to the McHenry County Blog:
“Thank you for contacting the Outback Steakhouse website.
My name is Bob Irons and I am the Joint Venture Partner for Outback in the Chicago area which includes the Crystal Lake, IL location.
I am aware of the media story about a waitress who was allegedly terminated for wearing a tea party bracelet.
Please be assured that this story is not true. We have not terminated a waitress for wearing a tea party bracelet.
To learn more about Outback, please visit our website - Company Info / Operation Feeding Freedom / Thanks for Giving.
Thank you again for your feedback.
Bob Irons
Joint Venture Partner
In the interest of full-disclosure: I am friends with Tonya Franklin on facebook where we have communicated minimally about our mutual support for the TEA Party. We have never met in-person.
When I asked Tonya yesterday morning if there was anything else she thought I should know about this story, she responded with this comment:
Just that an Outback staff member left a message on my daughter's fb wall during a conversation with an active duty military member, I will quote "who cares about free speech" and they lied (to customers) about why we were protesting. Some were told my daughter was a liar, others were led to believe we were with Operation Homefront and were there for support of Outback and their support of Veterans.
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Monday, November 14, 2011
Conservative Threatened at Occupy Portland (VIDEO)
A Conservative woman that visited the Occupy Portland protests to see for herself what they were like, was harassed, called names, intimidated and, eventually, threatened by a member of the Occupy movement.
Government Waste at Occupy Salt Lake City (VIDEO)
After the closure of the Occupy Wall Street camp in Salt Lake City, Utah, the local government decided they needed a front-end loader to assist in the clean-up of the City park.
The pile of trash that this loader came to clean up was obviously stacked by 5 to 7 of the City workers that are now standing around watching the loader perform its necessary duty. It honestly looks like about only 5 to 7 pallets and a little bit of garbage that the front-end loader was called-in to remove. This is such a waste because the guys standing around with their shovels in-hand could have easily walked this trash out of the park on their own.
I do believe this may be the height of laziness which is exhibited by so many City, State and other government workers all across the nation. Good thing those public unions keep them employed, right?
Watch the video and decide for yourself. Here's your tax money "at work."
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The pile of trash that this loader came to clean up was obviously stacked by 5 to 7 of the City workers that are now standing around watching the loader perform its necessary duty. It honestly looks like about only 5 to 7 pallets and a little bit of garbage that the front-end loader was called-in to remove. This is such a waste because the guys standing around with their shovels in-hand could have easily walked this trash out of the park on their own.
I do believe this may be the height of laziness which is exhibited by so many City, State and other government workers all across the nation. Good thing those public unions keep them employed, right?
Watch the video and decide for yourself. Here's your tax money "at work."
If you care to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the "Follow by email" box near the top of this page. I do not know your email address, or even if you subscribed. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you only receive ONE email. You only receive an email if I make a post. Thanks!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Penn State vs. Nebraska - Pre & Post-game Prayer, Interviews & Commentary (VIDEO)
The Penn State vs. Nebraska football game was held Saturday in the wake of the child rape/abuse scandal that is sweeping Penn State. The game was the last home game for Penn State and is the first time in 46 years that legendary coach Joe Paterno was not on the sideline. Coach Paterno, the winningest coach in college football history with over 400 wins was fired this week as a result of Penn State University's former defensive coach Jerry Sandusky's child rape/abuse scandal.
The beginning of this game provided some powerful moments for a college football game. Penn State's team somberly walked out onto the field, 5-wide and arm in arm. Then, the two teams met at the middle of the field for a prayer that was intended to honor the alleged victims in the case.
The sight of all of these young men meeting at the middle of the field, led in prayer by Nebraska wide-receivers coach Ron Brown, was a sight to behold.
The video below contains all of the commentary from ESPN prior to and following the game, the "prayer scene" mentioned above, the post-game interviews with NU head coach Bo Pelini, PSU interim head coach Tom Bradley, as well as one of Penn State's assistant coaches, Jay Paterno, son of Joe.
The beginning of this game provided some powerful moments for a college football game. Penn State's team somberly walked out onto the field, 5-wide and arm in arm. Then, the two teams met at the middle of the field for a prayer that was intended to honor the alleged victims in the case.
The sight of all of these young men meeting at the middle of the field, led in prayer by Nebraska wide-receivers coach Ron Brown, was a sight to behold.
The video below contains all of the commentary from ESPN prior to and following the game, the "prayer scene" mentioned above, the post-game interviews with NU head coach Bo Pelini, PSU interim head coach Tom Bradley, as well as one of Penn State's assistant coaches, Jay Paterno, son of Joe.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
College Basketball Game on an Aircraft Carrier. Cool, Right?
I rarely watch TV live...I record everything and watch it on the DVR. When I became aware that this game was happening tonight, I immediately looked for and found it. I thought "how cool that a b-ball game is being played on an aircraft carrier" (first-time ever) and I wanted to see what the game "looked like." There was about 10 minutes left in the game at this point and Michigan State was down by about 12 points.
It looked cool as hell. About 5 minutes after turning the game on the camera cuts to President Obama and his "wife" sitting at the game...front row, of course. I immediately turned the damn thing off. Thanks for "screwing" up yet another experience, you America-hating, military-hating, Marxist piece of trash, Obama.
Thanks to The Blaze, I now know who won the game. (Click the link if you'd like to know, too. You can read MUCH more about the story there, too.)
Here's an awesome time-lapse video of the U.S.S. Carl Vinson being set-up for the game.
Thank you to all who have served.
Here's Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North at the NRA Annual Meeting in 2009 saluting you:
Thank you, guys and gals. Americans love you, revere you, and thank you.
If you care to be notified of future blog posts, please subscribe to this blog via the "Follow by email" box near the top of this page. I do not see your email address, nor will I know if you subscribed. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you only receive ONE email. You only receive an email if I make a post(s). Thanks!
It looked cool as hell. About 5 minutes after turning the game on the camera cuts to President Obama and his "wife" sitting at the game...front row, of course. I immediately turned the damn thing off. Thanks for "screwing" up yet another experience, you America-hating, military-hating, Marxist piece of trash, Obama.
Thanks to The Blaze, I now know who won the game. (Click the link if you'd like to know, too. You can read MUCH more about the story there, too.)
Here's an awesome time-lapse video of the U.S.S. Carl Vinson being set-up for the game.
Thank you to all who have served.
Here's Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North at the NRA Annual Meeting in 2009 saluting you:
Thank you, guys and gals. Americans love you, revere you, and thank you.
If you care to be notified of future blog posts, please subscribe to this blog via the "Follow by email" box near the top of this page. I do not see your email address, nor will I know if you subscribed. You will NOT be spammed. If I make 10 posts in one day, you only receive ONE email. You only receive an email if I make a post(s). Thanks!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Dissection of a Palin Troll
NOTE: This became an extremely long blog post. If you are already familiar with trolls and would like a list of 5 of them so you can purge them from your facebook friend list, scroll down just over 3/4 of the way and you will see a "Special note to all Conservatives and Palin supporters." You will also be able to click on the names of the 5 trolls I have listed so that you can block them.
I've been an internet user since 1998. I've been a frequent commenter on many different blogs, newsgroups, news sites and various places all over the internet over the past 13 years. In my years of being one of "those people" who occasionally "likes to mix it up" with those who lie, name-call and just basically exhibit humanity's most "base" and animalistic behavior, I've come across some pretty despicable "people" online. Even referring to some of these scumbags AS "people" is an insult to the human race as a whole. Commonly, in internet parlance, they are referred to as "trolls."
I rarely engage trolls and only do so when I am in the mood to attempt to take out my frustrations online. Therefore, about once or twice a month is about all of my time that I'm willing to put toward an attempt to discuss anything with people who are so obviously beneath the respect that most humans receive just for simply being alive. Lately, when I'm in such a mood, I'll head to the White House YouTube channel and pick apart Obama in the comment section beneath the video. This always gives me more than I really care to deal with for an entire day. People who love Obama reply to my comments like moths to a flame...which is another term for internet trolls: "flamers." In these cases, I am considered the troll, or flamer, because I disagreed with whatever Obama was talking about in the video under which I commented. This one comment I may make will have people responding to me for nearly an entire day.
I usually try NOT to swear at people online just because it looks so stupid and childish...but, I don't always succeed. Sometimes it's because I just don't care what I say, other times it's because I just don't care what I say. (That's not a typo.) This is, so far, still a free country and I'll represent myself as I see fit. I'm already well aware that not everyone will like me...I'm also old enough that I just don't give a crap anymore, too. I no longer "need" people to like me. Move along if you don't like what you see. But, make sure you leave a bitchy, troll-like comment telling me "not to swear" before you do. Or, you could just grow up and keep reading. Pick one.
I believe it was April of 2007 when Glenn Beck first interviewed Alaska's then-Governor Sarah Palin for the 1st time on his TV show on CNN. Since that day, I've been a supporter of Sarah Palin's. I enjoy and have great respect for gutsy people who are willing to take on "the machine," whatever "machine" that may be. It doesn't matter to me. I admire people who are not pussified and are willing to put their reputations, their fortunes and their very life on the line to speak out about something they are either fighting FOR or AGAINST. Either way, I appreciate people with "guts." I don't even have to agree with what they're doing. Usually, just their willingness to put their "name" on the line is enough to earn my respect.
I'm not a fan of people who are childish little pussies that anonymously sit behind a computer keyboard and spend all of their time spreading lies and calling other people names. This is why I've had the same username since 1998...anyone can find my home address, phone number and God only knows what other "information" about me online. I went through a period where I was trying to "hide" online, because of the online stalking, online intimidation and several death threats that I've received from these gutless online pussies. I no longer care. Here I am bitches, come and get me.
In all of the years that I've been online, I've never seen so many disgusting little pukes as the crowd that continually attacks the Palin family. These pathetic Palin-haters, have got to be on the lowest rung of the troll ladder. They have no respect for the truth, and wouldn't be able to decipher it for themselves if you drew them a picture that had arrows pointing their way TO it. They are so besieged with hatred, and, evidently, such vapid lives, that they only seek to HATE. Their goal in life is to aggravate anyone they can. And they aggravate MANY.
What goes so wrong with someone's life that aggravating others is now their only apparent mission in life? I realize that Obama is a grave disappointment to these hateful trolls...but, why do they take this out on the Palin family? These Palin-haters aren't working FOR something. They are working for the DESTRUCTION of something. They seek to destroy the Palins.
I could say that I'm working FOR the destruction of the Obama presidency, but if he is removed as the president, that would be a favor FOR our country, so, it can't really be classified as "working against" something.
I've been contemplating a blog post such as this one for the past few months. Today, I found a great example of a Palin-hating troll to use as an example for all of you. It's "name" is "Claire Atkinson." Don't worry, trolls never use their real names. They are pussies, remember? This one is most likely a gay liberal, woman-hating, male who can't even disclose his real gender (providing he knows what it is). (Calm down "Claire," I'm gay, so take your comments about me being a "homophobe" and shove 'em.)
Now, if you think my language thus far has been bad, buckle your seat belt...the language is about to get MUCH worse. The following series of photos are screen shots from an exchange I had earlier today with this Palin-hating gay man, "Claire." Just for the record, I know MANY gay men and women that are excellent supporters of Governor Palin, so, don't think that all gays hate her. We're only talking about "Claire" and his poor tortured Pug that has to wear that hideous sweater. (Don't worry, he probably stole the picture of the dog from someone else's profile. The poor dog probably doesn't even live with him.)
Here we go, this first picture below is a picture of the the first post that "Claire" made in my very own Palin group on facebook. (Join me if you want.) This is when I first became aware of "Claire's" desire to out himself as a troll today. This loser has been lurking in a few Palin groups that I'm in on facebook. He's very deceitful because he'll post about 20 or 30 pro-Palin comments for every negative comment, such as the one below. Lies are what the weak among us, also known as "trolls," thrive on. If not for their lying ways, they would have nothing in their lives. No one would speak to them, no one would visit. Their only interaction with other humans is online. They like to LIE and tell you that they have a life, but by their constant online trolling, we know this isn't true.
This picture is a shot of the comment I posted about "Claire" in one of the other Palin groups that "Claire" and I are both members of. (Or, that we both WERE members of..."Claire" is no longer a member. He was banned.) I posted a screen shot of the nasty comments that "Claire" had posted in my group so that the people in control of this group could know that they had a troll in their midst.
Now, why did "Claire" choose to reply to me in the group in which I outed him, rather than in my group, where I first confronted him? Because my group only has 62 members and the group in which I posted about him has over 1,100 members. Attention is what "feeds" trolls. It is their lifeblood. If "Claire" would have only responded to me in my group, chances are very good that only a handful of people would have seen his response to me.
The following screen shot shows "Claire" beginning his typical troll-like behavior of attacking the person that I am there to support. He tosses in a few personal insults for Governor Palin, probably those which relate most closely to his own life experiences. Notice that I don't take "Claire's" bait. He insults me and I don't acknowledge it. This drives the troll bonkers...and this car doesn't have to drive far to reach that destination.
Next we have a well-intentioned member of the group attempting to no avail. I had clearly stated at the beginning of this post that it was intended to let the members know that they had a troll within their group. Anyone that decides to engage a troll had best be aware that they are opening themselves up to being attacked. "Claire" attempts some intimidation of me but, I'm not game today. Sorry, sir.
There is another glaring problem with the information that "Claire" chooses to share with me in the shot below...but, I'll be damned if I'm pointing it out to him.
Finally, in the photo below, I provoke "Claire" by asking him to share some of his important information with me. I do this so that the foolish troll will expose his sources. Which he just a bit.
Next, he shows me a few of the anti-Palin groups to which he belongs on facebook. This confirms my knowledge of his hatred for Palin. I can't stand Barack Obama. I have zero use for him and I never have and I never will. I'm not a fan of having an America-hating Marxist as our President. Yet, I don't belong to a bunch of "anti-Obama" groups on facebook. I don't participate in group hate-tanks with others who share my disdain for the current occupant of the White House. I may have "Liked" a few anti-Obama pages on facebook...but, I rarely, if ever, participate in them. Trolls like "Claire" spend their every waking moment steeped in their hatred for someone. People like this are not only very sad individuals, they most certainly would benefit from some mental health assistance. This, many conservatives believe, is the current mental state of most liberals in America. If nothing else, their aversion to the truth and the special knack they have for twisting the facts is something to marvel. The double-standard by which they live their lives is another one of their disgusting traits that is worthy of mention.
Here is where the inexperienced, or just plain dumb, troll exposes its sources. Trolls almost always use obscure websites that the rest of us have never heard of and will never see again. This is the case with "Claire," of course. To "Claire," all information on these websites is "factual." Trolls have one requirement for their sources of "factual information" - that the source agree with their hatred. That's all it takes. It doesn't have to be true for them to cite it as a source. The troll wouldn't know if it was anyway. I would estimate that over the past 13 years somewhere around 90% of the "factual information" that every troll has shared with me is 100% bogus. When these people find other lies online that back up the lies that they already believe, voila! We've just uncovered how a troll is birthed. They crawl out of their lairs, armed with their "factual information," and they spread it around to show the world how "smart" they are and how "stupid" the rest of us are.
Just for fun, I visited the "Atlantic" (which I have heard of before but, never utilize as a source) that "Claire" offers as a source in the photo below and I conducted a search for how many articles they have about Sarah Palin and a few other "notables" like President Obama and a few other people that are actually IN government and have REAL control over our lives, unlike Sarah Palin. Here are the results:
President Obama - = 11,600
Sarah Palin - Tea Party activist = 3,560
Harry Reid - Leader of the Senate = 817
Nancy Pelosi ex-Speaker of the House = 737
Joe Biden - Vice President = 679
John Boehner - Speaker of the House = 666
Why does the "Atlantic" post so many articles about Sarah Palin? According to trolls like "Claire," Palin is irrelevant. And, why is "Claire" posting an article from November 15, 2009? If Sarah Palin is such a liar, one would think that there would be much more current information to share. But, again, trolls don't think, they only hate.
Again, I'll never understand why others feel a need to involve themselves in a "discussion" like the one I was having with "Claire." Do they really think that because they said something the whole conversation will just come to a screeching halt? I hope not.
Next, "Claire" attempts to goad me into discussing the link he posted. At this time, I was actually dealing with a customer. I work from home and am only briefly on the computer periodically throughout the day.
"Claire" posts yet another obscure website (TheDailyBanter - never heard of it) with an article that was written on July 8, 2009. AND, he posts another link from another waste of time site, that I've also never heard of, called "Ranker" that was undated.
"Claire" then engages Andy and then insults the both of us. Andy thinks he's helping...but, really, he just made it so I had to "fix" this next photo after uploading it the first time...and, then had to re-upload it so that it didn't show his full name. Sometimes, people that interject themselves into a discussion like this are more bothersome than the troll.
Sorry, "Claire," I could correct every single lie that you posted and I would bother taking the time to do so, but creating this blog post has been much more fun. Besides, you wouldn't read or believe anything I posted for you anyway. If the light of the truth were to actually shine on you, you would die an agonizing death like that of a vampire exposed to the sun.
This next photo shows that "Claire" knows how to copy and paste. He doesn't know how to provide the source for the copyright he has just stolen, but he can copy and paste entire articles. The article, or facebook comment, whatever it was, was so disingenuous and long that I didn't want to have to include it here as its own photo, which is I why I didn't expand the comment.
Then "Claire" posts a link for an article about a poll from PPP (Public Policy Polling), which is about the only poll that progressives like because it's one of the only ones in the nation that most consistently shows Obama with any kind of lead in any kind of poll.
Andy chimes in again...and, I didn't hide his now I've got to go fix it AGAIN. What a pain in my ass.
This next pic shows part of the "posting spree" that "Claire" went on in the group. He's posted several stories, and ripped-off that copyright again and provided no link for that lengthy article he pasted in the group, for the second time.
Here's one more pic of something that "Claire" posted. I tried engaging him on this post, hoping that he would move away from the other post where others were beginning to chime in. This would have resulted in less attention for him, therefore, he didn't respond.
Now we return back to the thread, where others are beginning to chime-in...and get attacked by "Claire." Andy, once again, attempts to tell me how to handle a troll. Thanks, Andy...I got it covered.
I once again try to get Andy to leave the post and just let me deal with "Claire." My attempt fails again.
"Claire" also shows some false bravado by saying that the "admins" (people who will remove and ban him from the group) can't touch him. This is also a commonly used tactic of trolls. They try to show that they know more about everything than everyone else. They are the only people on earth who know what they are doing. They think they have out-witted everyone and that they control the situation. I'm no psychologist, but, I'm pretty sure that this would be referred to as narcissistic behavior. Narcissists need lots of attention, all the time, from everyone around them. "Claire" is clearly a narcissist.
Now Andy shares his astute analysis about the common internet troll. Excellent.
And, finally, this is where the poor, misguided, liberal, male, gay, woman-hating, internet troll, "Claire" bites the dust.
That's the end of the thread about my exposing of "Claire" as a troll. I do have one more screen shot that I'd like to share with you. This is another post that "Claire" posted in the group when he went on his "posting spree," as noted earlier. Not only is "Claire" a poor, misguided, liberal, male, woman-hating, pathetic, sad, unenviable, low-life, internet troll...he is also a racist.
Poor "Claire" falls into the group of voters in this country that voted for Obama only because of the color of his skin. The vast majority of American couldn't care less what the color of someone's skin is. Now, that there is a real threat to the "1st black president" in the form of another black man...who is also a conservative...voters like "Claire" begin to show their true colors.
I think I've pretty well laid out the case that proves the absolute pathetic nature of trolls. When dealing with them, it's best to taunt, never react. Never waste your time providing them information because they lack the ability comprehend reality.
Why taunt them at all? Because it drives them nuts. That's why.
Special note for "Claire:" It's too bad that you blocked me on facebook. What's the matter? Did you see that you've been removed from a few places? I'm not finished yet, but you are, in this account. We know that you'll just hop over to another facebook profile. I'm sure you'll send your friends to my group...go ahead. I think you can see that I have no problem dealing with the likes of you. I'll be sure to link to your friends here too when I discover it or any of your other Palin-hating troll friends from your childish Palin-hating groups. I'm sure you'd be surprised to know that I'm actually a member of several of them...via another account, of course. You shouldn't always presume that you are a step ahead. You should, however, presume that I will make your "Claire" account unusable for you. As much of a "newbie" as you think I am to facebook, I'll make sure I find a way to get this blog post to you now that you've blocked me. I was going to keep you around for a bit. I like to bat around morons from time to time.
Special note for all Conservatives and Palin supporters: I'm now going to provide you with a few other well-known trolls on who are quite likely on your friend list right now on facebook. You should BLOCK, not just un-friend, but BLOCK these people. All trolls should ALWAYS be blocked on facebook, anyway. When you block someone on facebook, they can never see what you are doing and, more importantly, you never have to see the tripe that they post. The "block" feature is located on the left side of your "friends" profile page. It's at the bottom of the list underneath their profile picture. I'll show you where to find it in the next few pictures.
Here are some well-known Palin-hating trolls on facebook. Just click on their names to be taken to their facebook profile page so you can block them.
The infamous "Claire Atkinson" <--- Click on the name to be taken to its facebook page so you can block it.
Ethel Ellison <--- Click the name. This picture shows you (red circle) where the block feature is located on facebook.

Diana Evans <--- Click the name.
These next two screen shots are pictures of the kind of troll that doesn't really even try to hide behind a made-up, real-looking name. These are obvious trolls that don't hide the fact that they ARE trolls.
Barbie Palin <--- Click the name.
And, finally, Sling Shot <--- Click the name.
There you go, folks. There are 5 of them. I could post more now...but, why? Let the others "wonder" for a while. If I receive any feedback from trolls over this post, I'll be sure and share that with you here, as well.
If any of you want to share your troll list with me, I need PROOF that they are trolls and I also need the url for their facebook profile. Without BOTH of those criteria, I will NOT be adding them to this list.
If you care to be notified of my future blog posts, please subscribe to my blog via the "Follow by email" box near the top of this page. I do not see your email address and you will NOT be spammed. Thanks!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
More Video From Occupy Wall Street
Yesterday I made a blog post that included 9 videos from YouTube of the Occupy DC protests. This post is intended to "piggy-back" on that post. Here is the post I made yesterday: Anarchists at Occupy D.C.
Here are 8 more videos that depict the less-than-stellar behavior coming from those participating in the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protests:
As with the majority of these videos, I feel the need to warn you about the GRAPHIC LANGUAGE included in them. I don't recommend that you watch them with small children present.
"Occupy DC Harasses People As They Leave Reagan Tribute Dinner!"
"Occupy DC Chicken Goes Wild!"
If you need a laugh, watch this video. The "chicken" begins chirping at about the 1-minute mark. It's hilarious.
"Occupy DC: Their Days Are Numbered!"
"Occupy DC Pushes Grandma Down Stairs, Long Version!"
"Occupy DC Continues Harassment After They Injure 'Grandma' and others!"
(This video is a treasure trove of info. Hopefully, I'll have time to take a more in-depth look at this video in another post tomorrow.)
"Occupy Wall Street: OWS Protester Wants 911 more 9/11's to Occur Right Now"
(I'm not sure of the city in which this protest took place.)
"Occupy Attacks!: Occupy Portland Attacks KGW News Crew!"
(Portland, OR)
I will say that, in this video, at least there are a few people that try to calm down the out-of-control protester that keeps getting in the faces of the news crew. This is the FIRST I've seen of the other protesters attempting to calm down "one of their own" that has become unhinged.
"Jesse Jackson Supports Occupy Atlanta"
(Of course he does...)
Here are 8 more videos that depict the less-than-stellar behavior coming from those participating in the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protests:
As with the majority of these videos, I feel the need to warn you about the GRAPHIC LANGUAGE included in them. I don't recommend that you watch them with small children present.
"Occupy DC Harasses People As They Leave Reagan Tribute Dinner!"
"Occupy DC Chicken Goes Wild!"
If you need a laugh, watch this video. The "chicken" begins chirping at about the 1-minute mark. It's hilarious.
"Occupy DC: Their Days Are Numbered!"
"Occupy DC Pushes Grandma Down Stairs, Long Version!"
"Occupy DC Continues Harassment After They Injure 'Grandma' and others!"
(This video is a treasure trove of info. Hopefully, I'll have time to take a more in-depth look at this video in another post tomorrow.)
"Occupy Wall Street: OWS Protester Wants 911 more 9/11's to Occur Right Now"
(I'm not sure of the city in which this protest took place.)
"Occupy Attacks!: Occupy Portland Attacks KGW News Crew!"
(Portland, OR)
I will say that, in this video, at least there are a few people that try to calm down the out-of-control protester that keeps getting in the faces of the news crew. This is the FIRST I've seen of the other protesters attempting to calm down "one of their own" that has become unhinged.
"Jesse Jackson Supports Occupy Atlanta"
(Of course he does...)
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Anarchists at Occupy D.C.
Last Saturday's Americans For Prosperity "Defending the American Dream" summit was held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. The Occupy Wall Street protesters showed up outside the hall. I'm including a total of 9 videos in this post that will show you more than you care to know about how many of the OWS protesters are choosing to behave.
The reason for this post, however, is to highlight the anarchists that were present in the crowd with the OWS protesters.
This first image, which appears at about 30-seconds into the video below, you can see a man standing on the steps in the middle of the picture. He is holding a black flag. The black flag, with no symbols on it, is a symbol of the anarchist movement. Funny that they have one, isn't it?

This second image, which first appears at about the 5-minute mark in the video below, shows the actual "anarchist" symbol. If you conduct a Google search for "anarchist symbols" you will see that this is the actual symbol of the anarchist movement. You will also see that the "black flag" is another symbol of the movement.
This final image, which appears at about the 6:20 mark in the video below, shows that even anarchists need legal representation. And, if you're an anarchist within the OWS movement, your legal representation will be provided to you free of charge by the "National Lawyers Guild." Anarchy ain't what it used to be...
Just in case some of you are unaware of exactly what "anarchy" is, here is the definition from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary:
Just for the record, I have watched all of the videos below. There is a total of about 35 minutes of video from the protests. At no time, in any of those videos, is it evident that any of the other OWS protesters were uncomfortable with the anarchists being a part of their group.
Here's the video (Warning: Graphic Language):
"Occupy DC Tries To Force Their Way Inside! [explicit]"
From the Washington Times:
You can read the remainder of this Washington Times story HERE.
The uploader of the video above has done such fantastic work covering this protest and because of that I can't decide which of their videos to NOT include in this, I'm including all of them. If you want to get to know who these protesters are, with whom "the good people in the movement" are standing, how they treat people, and learn more about the over all general attitude of many of the protesters, I certainly recommend that you watch ALL of these videos. I have included a couple of these videos in another blog post, but, in the interest of being all-inclusive in this post now, I'm including them here, again.
Here are the rest of the videos.
Almost all of these videos include very graphic language.
(The first two videos are the ones included in my other blog post about OWS DC.)
"Occupy DC Pushes Grandma Down Stairs"
"Occupy DC Attack Victims Interviewed"
"Occupy DC: We Can Do Whatever We Want! [explicit]"
"Occupy DC: Let's Start a Riot!"
"Occupy DC: Don't Let Those A**holes Leave!"
"Occupy DC Harasses Conservative Woman [explicit]"
"Occupy DC Harasses Police, Gets Laughed at! [explicit]"
"Occupy DC Blocks Intersections!"
If you care to see MORE video from these protests, click HERE.
The reason for this post, however, is to highlight the anarchists that were present in the crowd with the OWS protesters.
This first image, which appears at about 30-seconds into the video below, you can see a man standing on the steps in the middle of the picture. He is holding a black flag. The black flag, with no symbols on it, is a symbol of the anarchist movement. Funny that they have one, isn't it?

This second image, which first appears at about the 5-minute mark in the video below, shows the actual "anarchist" symbol. If you conduct a Google search for "anarchist symbols" you will see that this is the actual symbol of the anarchist movement. You will also see that the "black flag" is another symbol of the movement.
This final image, which appears at about the 6:20 mark in the video below, shows that even anarchists need legal representation. And, if you're an anarchist within the OWS movement, your legal representation will be provided to you free of charge by the "National Lawyers Guild." Anarchy ain't what it used to be...
Just in case some of you are unaware of exactly what "anarchy" is, here is the definition from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary:
1 a : absence of government b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government
2 a : absence or denial of any authority or established order b : absence of order : disorder
Just for the record, I have watched all of the videos below. There is a total of about 35 minutes of video from the protests. At no time, in any of those videos, is it evident that any of the other OWS protesters were uncomfortable with the anarchists being a part of their group.
Here's the video (Warning: Graphic Language):
"Occupy DC Tries To Force Their Way Inside! [explicit]"
From the Washington Times:
Metropolitan Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier said Monday that her department is adjusting its tactics in response to Occupy D.C.’s “increasingly confrontational and violent” demonstrations, following the actions of other U.S. cities looking to evict — or at least crack down — on what officials are characterizing as unruly protesters.
The chief’s tough talk changed the tone of what had been about a month of congenial relations between protesters and authorities. It came after a Friday night incident in which several people attending a downtown event where the protesters were demonstrating were hurt.
“Five people that we are aware of were injured,” Chief Lanier said in a statement issued Monday. “That is no longer a peaceful protest.”
Chief Lanier’s statement also included links to videos that police say support their claims that the protesters are becoming more aggressive. In one video, protesters appear to use children to block an entrance.
“We do not condone nor will we tolerate violence or aggression,” Chief Lanier said. “The administration will do what’s necessary to maintain order in the city and to ensure that everyone is safe.”
You can read the remainder of this Washington Times story HERE.
The uploader of the video above has done such fantastic work covering this protest and because of that I can't decide which of their videos to NOT include in this, I'm including all of them. If you want to get to know who these protesters are, with whom "the good people in the movement" are standing, how they treat people, and learn more about the over all general attitude of many of the protesters, I certainly recommend that you watch ALL of these videos. I have included a couple of these videos in another blog post, but, in the interest of being all-inclusive in this post now, I'm including them here, again.
Here are the rest of the videos.
Almost all of these videos include very graphic language.
(The first two videos are the ones included in my other blog post about OWS DC.)
"Occupy DC Pushes Grandma Down Stairs"
"Occupy DC Attack Victims Interviewed"
"Occupy DC: We Can Do Whatever We Want! [explicit]"
"Occupy DC: Let's Start a Riot!"
"Occupy DC: Don't Let Those A**holes Leave!"
"Occupy DC Harasses Conservative Woman [explicit]"
"Occupy DC Harasses Police, Gets Laughed at! [explicit]"
"Occupy DC Blocks Intersections!"
If you care to see MORE video from these protests, click HERE.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Occupy Oakland Protesters: "Shut Down Burger King" (Video)
With a super-sarcastic tone, I think it is safe to say that the message of the Occupy Wall Street crowd is becoming more defined. Watch:
I hope the reason the manager locked the doors was to hold these idiots for the police.
I hope the reason the manager locked the doors was to hold these idiots for the police.
Peg's Letter to Governor Palin
I write this because I feel God is prompting me to do so. You may not even see it or read it. But I must write it.
I have been studying and reading and listening and viewing for months now. I am seeing America slowly but surely falling into a quagmire of discord and uncertainty. I am seeing the America I love becoming infested with evil government and evil principles. It hurts to witness these terrible scenes in the various cities where protesters are involved in wrongdoing and unpeaceful actions.
And there you are---out there----trying your best to speak up and work against these evils and bring some common sense to those involved in governing this country. But evil is evil. This is a battle between good/right and evil/wrong. The men who are leading this country cannot hold a match to those men who founded this country. The contrast between the strength in those who founded America and the weakness in those who are now running America is so shocking!
I know so many people identify with your principles and your ideas and your deeply patriotic heart! God made you who you are. As a Christian myself, I know how difficult it is sometimes to put God's will above yours! I know you have many things to consider when you evaluate whether you should attempt to run for the presidency. Yes, it's a title that you'd be given, but it's more than a it's becoming a destiny. I know you have to consider your family and that is certainly understandable. Somehow, I believe it becomes a test of your faith. Do you truly believe that God can and WILL make a way for you to be elected if He so chooses? And do you believe that God will protect you and your family if you decide to take this journey toward the White House? Abraham trusted God totally and I'm so fascinated with that Old Testament story----I've always wondered what Abraham was thinking as he made his way with his son up that mountain.
You are everything Americans need as a leader! You are blessed with special talents and ideas! God has raised you up and nurtured you in a special environment. There is no one like you! And your family is so special too. There is no one like Todd Palin and your children are all unique. Your parents are so very special also! Their nurturing and guidance made you a resilient and optimistic woman. The strong family unit that you have as your base is important and would make such a delightful difference for America.
I pray that you will reconsider and begin your campaign for the presidency. We have no idea what God plans to do in the next months. But I trust His wisdom and His power!!! I see His spirit living in you and all that you do and say! How amazing! Trust that yourself. Trust God to make a way so that America can thrive again and breathe again! We need a strong fresh wind to blow across this land. I believe you are that strong fresh wind and we need you to be God's instrument to bring those changes that America needs so desperately.
Please reconsider and step out on God's promises and His word! Believe that you are a "chosen" servant and there is no other person who can do what you can do for America.
This letter was written by Peg Gentle and is reprinted here with her permission.
Please join Peg and I at Sarah Palin's Earthquake Movement where we are asking that Governor Palin please reconsider her decision to not run for president in 2012.
I have been studying and reading and listening and viewing for months now. I am seeing America slowly but surely falling into a quagmire of discord and uncertainty. I am seeing the America I love becoming infested with evil government and evil principles. It hurts to witness these terrible scenes in the various cities where protesters are involved in wrongdoing and unpeaceful actions.
And there you are---out there----trying your best to speak up and work against these evils and bring some common sense to those involved in governing this country. But evil is evil. This is a battle between good/right and evil/wrong. The men who are leading this country cannot hold a match to those men who founded this country. The contrast between the strength in those who founded America and the weakness in those who are now running America is so shocking!
I know so many people identify with your principles and your ideas and your deeply patriotic heart! God made you who you are. As a Christian myself, I know how difficult it is sometimes to put God's will above yours! I know you have many things to consider when you evaluate whether you should attempt to run for the presidency. Yes, it's a title that you'd be given, but it's more than a it's becoming a destiny. I know you have to consider your family and that is certainly understandable. Somehow, I believe it becomes a test of your faith. Do you truly believe that God can and WILL make a way for you to be elected if He so chooses? And do you believe that God will protect you and your family if you decide to take this journey toward the White House? Abraham trusted God totally and I'm so fascinated with that Old Testament story----I've always wondered what Abraham was thinking as he made his way with his son up that mountain.
You are everything Americans need as a leader! You are blessed with special talents and ideas! God has raised you up and nurtured you in a special environment. There is no one like you! And your family is so special too. There is no one like Todd Palin and your children are all unique. Your parents are so very special also! Their nurturing and guidance made you a resilient and optimistic woman. The strong family unit that you have as your base is important and would make such a delightful difference for America.
I pray that you will reconsider and begin your campaign for the presidency. We have no idea what God plans to do in the next months. But I trust His wisdom and His power!!! I see His spirit living in you and all that you do and say! How amazing! Trust that yourself. Trust God to make a way so that America can thrive again and breathe again! We need a strong fresh wind to blow across this land. I believe you are that strong fresh wind and we need you to be God's instrument to bring those changes that America needs so desperately.
Please reconsider and step out on God's promises and His word! Believe that you are a "chosen" servant and there is no other person who can do what you can do for America.
This letter was written by Peg Gentle and is reprinted here with her permission.
Please join Peg and I at Sarah Palin's Earthquake Movement where we are asking that Governor Palin please reconsider her decision to not run for president in 2012.
Herman Cain's Latest Accuser Speaks Out
The latest woman to accuse Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain of sexual harassment has just given a press conference. Her name is Sharon Bialek. According to "celebrity attorney" Gloria Allred, Sharon Bialek "She could have sold her story. She did not sell her story. She is not interested in doing so." Allred also stated that Bialek is a registered Republican. You can read more from TheBlaze, HERE.
What this woman describes is not sexual harassment, it's sexual assault.
Here's the video:
What this woman describes is not sexual harassment, it's sexual assault.
Here's the video:
Occupy DC Assaults Two Grandmas
All of this took place in Washington, D.C. over this past weekend. Below is what the uploader of this video included in their description underneath the video on YouTube:
This next video, also from D.C., shows another elderly woman "falling to the ground."
Here's more video of the same two incidents above from another angle, as well as other violence and out-of-control behavior of the amped-up protesters and attendees of the AFP event alike:
Finally, here is an interview with one of the victims from the above videos and others that were involved in the incident:
Occupy DC Protesters assaulted conservatives as they exited an Americans For Prosperity "Tribute to Ronald Reagan" dinner.
This elderly woman, 78 years old, rode 11 hrs on a bus from Detroit to attend the dinner. After the attack she was taken to hospital with multiple injuries, a bloody nose which developed after the fall, and a large knot on her head. After x-rays and a CAT scan, she was released the following morning with cuts and large bruises.
Update: Further uploaded video footage shows the second woman to have been brought to the ground by a conference attendee losing his temper and pushing through the Occupier chain. ( /watch?v=pTnOwaTRDog )While it was clearly a mistake on his part, and wrong, it is also equally true that the dinner attendees should have been able to go to dinner at a public place without wild, aggressive people imprisoning them in a human chain as they tried to leave the venue! This is not protesting, this is physical intimidation and harassment. However, the older lady and others were clearly pushed by the occupiers over the stairs as other occupiers released their side of the chain.
Further comment: the strength and pressure of intense people with their arms locked in a human chain, on three sides, pushing against a group of unprepared people dressed for dinner is very powerful. When the chain is broken on the other side of the mob, it is not surprising that those people, including the victim in the video, would spring forward and lose balance.
This next video, also from D.C., shows another elderly woman "falling to the ground."
For a while, the AFP members were exiting the summit in single file past the protesters without incident, but then the protesters decided to block their exit. This incident occurred as the AFP members tried to push their way past. The injured woman was later loaded into an EMT vehicle.
Three people viewing the scene from different angles told me that the woman's fall resulted from the AFP members' feet getting tangled up with each other, and that that the woman was not pushed by an Occupy DC protester.
Here's more video of the same two incidents above from another angle, as well as other violence and out-of-control behavior of the amped-up protesters and attendees of the AFP event alike:
Finally, here is an interview with one of the victims from the above videos and others that were involved in the incident:
Friday, November 4, 2011
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